Discussion » Questions » Food and Drink » Common terms in food advertising: real ingredients, all natural, real taste, no preservatives.

Common terms in food advertising: real ingredients, all natural, real taste, no preservatives.

Can you think of something disgusting that would meet those criteria? Me first.

Posted - August 18, 2019


  • 46117
      August 20, 2019 3:15 AM MDT

  • 10026
    OOps!!  Sorry! I thought those were fudge pops!! I didn't put the two together.  Sorry.  I didn't get the connection.
    On the same train of thought.  Somewhere we were definitely thinking on the same plane. :) :)
      August 21, 2019 1:58 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Mer, maybe they ARE fudge pops?  I don't know.  Didn't look that close.  Let me see....No.  I think you are correct. That is just some silly looking dessert.  LOL 

    I thought it was a funny picture to go along with your response.  I tell you to just ignore me, but again your kindness prevails much to your detriment.  Sorry, there, Ms. Merlin.  
      August 22, 2019 9:32 AM MDT

  • 3523
    Crude oil would fit that description.
      August 19, 2019 2:02 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Come and listen to my story about a man named Jed
    A poor mountaineer, barely kept his family fed,
    And then one day he was shootin at some food,
    And up through the ground come a bubblin crude.

    Oil that is, black gold, Texas tea.

    Well the first thing you know ol Jed's a millionaire,
    The kinfolk said "Jed move away from there"
    Said "Californy is the place you ought to be"
    So they loaded up the truck and they moved to Beverly

    Hills, that is. Swimmin pools, movie stars.

      August 20, 2019 3:19 AM MDT

  • 10026
    This made me smile!!  I haven't seen nor thought of that show in years.  Thanks for the smile!
      August 21, 2019 1:59 AM MDT

  • 46117
    There were a TON of those kinds of shows back then. Fantasy based on silly new ideas that had to deal with life in the 60's.  The Flying Nun, Hogan's Heroes to name a few more.  Anyway, I mention it because I was growing up in that era and sick to death of the Donna Reed Show of the '50s and just wanted to turn the TV off and think for myself about what entertainment was.  I was in that stage when the Hillbillies came out. I missed how funny it was due to my intellectual snobbery. It is hilarious.  
      August 22, 2019 9:35 AM MDT

  • Popular musician Dapo Daniel Oyebanjo aka Dbanj has put a new product on the market, bottled urine from his body. This product is made up of 100% pure urine direct from dbanj’s bladder, in a statement to Nollyjunk Dbanj said ” I’m the top sh*t in music right now, a lot of people will pay huge money just to drink my p*ss! its a smart business move…oshe!” A bottle will sell for 1000 dollars (approx. 156,800.00 Naira) bottles are scheduled to go on sale around February of this year, a product taster had this to say about the product ” You can’t really know what you’ll get, sometimes it’s salty sometimes sweet so the fans don’t know what they’ll get with this product, it’s a surprise each bottle is a mystery waiting to be solved”.
      August 19, 2019 4:21 PM MDT

  • 10026
    I'd buy a bottle just because you made such an enthusiastic and beautiful history, value, enjoyment possiblities, and overall personality.
    Hugs and Loves :) )
      August 21, 2019 1:28 AM MDT

  • 23846
    Piss on that idea.

    ha :)

    But Guy Pearce Piss? Maybe.

    Image result for guy pearce This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at August 22, 2019 2:26 PM MDT
      August 22, 2019 8:09 AM MDT

  • 46117
    You just found the VERY best picture of GUY PEARCE and why we cannot stop looking at his face.    I must like Aussies.  That's how I feel about Heath Ledger too.

    You can tell they are from that area.  Just by looking at them. and they are so beyond gorgeous.  

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at August 22, 2019 2:26 PM MDT
      August 22, 2019 9:43 AM MDT

  • 23846
    I'm a head-over-heels guy for Guy -- I've yet to see a picture of him that I don't like, ha!
    I'm glad you like this one a lot!
      August 22, 2019 12:20 PM MDT

  • I'm thinking of marketing "Twinkle Juice".  LOL!  I could use the cash.
      August 22, 2019 2:26 PM MDT

  • 23846
    Twinkle's Sprinkle, yes!


    Sink Into the Dink!

    This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at August 22, 2019 9:21 PM MDT
      August 22, 2019 9:19 PM MDT

  • 46117
    WAIT.  I cannot get past 
    Popular musician Dapo Daniel Oyebanjo aka Dbanj

    WHO IS THAT?  I mean is he more POPULAR (what POP is supposed to stand for) than Dee Jay Jazzy Jazz Jazzalicious?  Meaning WHO ARE THESE POP STARS with names longer than their lyrics? 

    Let's wonder who these people are and how you found them first.

    I mean I found the music I listened to in my YOUTH by listening to the radio.  It was just ON there.  Then the Disc Jockey (that's what we called them in the olden days) would announce that it was Mick Jagger's new song.

    Now?  I have NO idea how people find music anymore.  No idea. I just happen upon stuff but there is no place to find things to just listen to.  

    Weird.  I was born in 1950.  And I'm supposed to be YOUNG for my age.  Now you know the truth.  Senile.  
      August 22, 2019 9:41 AM MDT

  • In short I think you hit the nail on the head in your own question.  It used to be that it was decided for you what you would hear and when you would hear it.  They would play it and announce who it was and then you go and buy what they have fed you.  Nowadays people have more control over their own likes and dislikes than ever before and more options available to pick from than ever before.  In some small ways we have taken back a bit of power and autonomy.  We decide what we will watch or listen to.  We decide when we will do it.  And then they get revenue based on our decision to participate in what they are offering.  If we don't involve our self in their work they don't get viewership clicks or likes and so advertisers from whom they make their money will not place ads on their songs or videos.  Blah.  Blah.  Blah.  We now decide what we will and won't listen to.  Because of this and the fact that no two people are exactly the same in their taste when it comes to artistry, we are inundated today with a plethora of entertainment options.
      August 22, 2019 2:32 PM MDT

  • 17660

    This post was edited by Thriftymaid at August 22, 2019 8:05 AM MDT
      August 19, 2019 8:01 PM MDT

  • 17090
    Lamb. Unlike most Aussies, I detest it. Greasy.
      August 20, 2019 1:39 AM MDT

  • 46117
    It's a baby.  And you think of GREASE?  

    It's unconscionable.  
      August 20, 2019 3:16 AM MDT

  • 10026
    I didn't find that out until the second time I ate it.  That and venison due tend to bother me, A LOT.  Not to say the older animals should be eaten.  They all still are important and should be able to live a happy, healthy, life, with friends on earth... as we all do!  Happy! Happy!
      August 21, 2019 1:37 AM MDT

  • 10026
    I just mentioned lamb.  We used to have it on a VERY rare occassion.  When we did, the best way I could eat it was with the mint jelly it was served with.
    I was more bothered with "what" it actually was then the taste.  But, being raised that you must eat at least three bites of anything that is served to you when you are a guest, manners, I have eaten it and as I remember, it was a bit greasy.
    I was unaware you ate a lot of lamb down south. :) :)
      August 21, 2019 1:30 AM MDT

  • 17090
    Lamb chops are more common on a barbie than shrimps (which are never called shrimps down here - they're prawns). As iconic as Vegemite, Australian football, meat pies, kangaroos and Holden cars. Doesn't mean that I have to like it, and I don't. I'm not overly fond of prawns, either - I prefer to use them as bait to catch something more substantial.
      August 21, 2019 6:39 PM MDT