Other than bugs/insects have you ever killed anything that breathes Sharon? Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday. What is about the question you thought was trollish?
I didn't know it was you. I read it and thought someone was trying to GLAMORIZE it as a joke.
I never killed anything on purpose but bugs when I was too little to understand. I have always been repulsed by causing anything pain. I can feel it on some level and I cannot bear that idea. HOW DARE I? That is how I think. Life is precious. I did not make life and I need to respect life for that reason.
Since you didn't say it had to be killed with a gun ...
I have pictures of fishing with my dad. My brother was with us ... so I was probably around 8 or 9.
I vaguely remember dad and one of my uncles taking us hunting around the same age. I think we were hunting pheasants or turkeys. We were probably too noisy, 'cause I don't remember getting anything. And that was the last time they ever took us hunting. LOL
It is assumed by the very first few words Walt. Gun pholks. Surely you comprehend that don't you? Otherwise I would not need to have mentioned guns at all right? I did for a reason.
This post was edited by RosieG at August 20, 2019 2:11 AM MDT
you ever use one of the electric fly swatters? so fun. my parents bought one when i was like 13 and i killed every single fly. i like when they get stuck and start to sizzle.
Thanks Sharon for the CORRECT interpretation. I thought the question was obvious but apparently not. However I told m2c that her answer made me very happy. Happy Tuesday.
I was 11 and it was a grouse, a couple of weeks later Pheasants and Ducks. At 12 bagged my 1st deer. Growing up on a Ranch it was a natural course of events. It also helped fill the freezer, as our garden filled the canning jars.
I think you're in the wrong place. Your reward is to be given attention and engage in useful two-way conversation. If that isn't enough to float your boat and ring your chimes well find a place that does pay you. There are tons of them. I was going to engage you in conversation but your tag line makes me less interested in doing so so I won't. Thanks for showing up and Happy Tuesday.
Thank you for the put down, so refreshing. You asked a question and I answered.
I like to hunt and I eat what I kill. Hunting thins the population and allows for healthier flocks and Herds. The ranch I grew up also stills send approximately 2K head of cattle to market every year. We participate in soil conservation, farm approximately 800 in sustainable fruits and Veg. By you you response to me I see you are clueless as the supply chain of food, the economics, and the requirements of families living in a subsistence manner.
I also see a very narrow point of view which is offended at anything you disagree with. Hmmmmm Very sad and very close minded
I hunted for different reasons. Yes, I ate the rabbits I killed (after checking the giblets for signs of myxomatosis). Cats and foxes I buried or burned. I'm an environmentalist, many native Australian species are on the verge of extinction due to habitat destruction by rabbits and predation by cats and foxes - the lesser bilby is already extinct, almost entirely due to feral cats, and the greater bilby is critically endangered for the same reason.
I understand the destruction of habitat by invasive species. I also understand the problem in Oz losing species due to this invasion. Stateside on the ranch we have problems with feral dog packs and coyotes.
In Austria we have problems with wild boars. On both sides of the pond I have hunted to keep these numbers down. As a licensed gun owner I have a responsibility to the State to help thin the herd and keep our community safe.
In Rome and Barcelona this year they are having problems with wild Boars invading the outer suburbs looking for easy food. Childrens playgrounds are not safe believe it or not.
I also believe she did not get the Jeopardy reference.
How old was I? I can't remember my age when I began to walk. When I did I suppose the first thing I killed was an insect. Those critters are all over the place. :)
Stomping on ants in the back yard. I was four or five.
First thing I shot was an Indian Mynah with an air rifle. Marauding birds were raiding the fruit trees. We let the native birds alone but took out the ferals. I was thirteen.
I can see doing that R. The birds were damaging destroying. But if they weren't there'd be no need to kill them. So you were 13. How old were you when your dad (I assume it was your dad) put a gun in your hands and taught you to shoot? In America hunters put the stuffed heads of their kills on their walls. Do Aussies do that too? Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday! :)