Discussion » Questions » Fashion » MENS and WOMENS: Do you like perfume and cologne and aftershaves? What kind do you like and what kind do you wear?

MENS and WOMENS: Do you like perfume and cologne and aftershaves? What kind do you like and what kind do you wear?

Posted - August 25, 2019


  • 4624
    I detest the smells of aftershaves and French perfumes.

    But I love a dab of an essential oil.
    Favourites - Timorese sandalwood, cedar, amber, frankinsense, pitchouli, orange, bergamot, myhrr, balsam, clary sage, ylang-ylang, jasmine, rose attar.
    I like to make a mix with the emphasis on a deep woody note, with a drop each of floral, citrus and fixative.
      August 25, 2019 12:23 PM MDT

  • 46117
    We have the same nose.  We have bonded.
      August 25, 2019 12:25 PM MDT

  • 4624
    We share quite a few things in common.
    I'm pretty sure if we were neighbours we'd soon be friends.
      August 25, 2019 1:14 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Anyone that is lucky enough to live next-door to you would be your friend, I am sure.

    I do like you a LOT.
      August 25, 2019 1:17 PM MDT

  • 4624
    Ditto! :)
    I get on well enough with my neighbours -
    but I'm fussy about who I spend my time with.
    I really do feel much more comfortable in the company of very liberal-minded people, preferably counter-culture alternatives.
    I like creatives, bohemians, intellectuals, healers, rebels, people who wear their hearts on their sleeves and are not afraid to be open and honest, and people who care a lot about self-development (psychological/spiritual) - it ends up covering a wide range.
    In my local area, only about 15% of the population fall into this category. Thankfully, it's enough to have a nice nucleus of a small social circle. 
    But in my immediate neighbourhood, I'm surrounded by - how to put it politely - very straight and conservative people.
    I take care to be on good terms with them - would gladly give help if needed - but I keep myself at a distance to avoid conflict.
      August 25, 2019 1:32 PM MDT

  • 46117
    You know it is weird.  God has a sense of humor.  I have been put in the best salon I have worked in so far and they are all Republicans.

    I take this as a LESSON.  This is not a coincidence that I find myself in this situation.  I am learning to open my mind. Not on politics, but on people's perceptions of politics in their own lives.
      August 25, 2019 1:34 PM MDT

  • 4624
    Wow! That must be incredibly challenging.
    No wonder you need an outlet here, hey?
      August 25, 2019 1:45 PM MDT

  • Very nice mix, bookworm. 

    I too love sandalwood along with patchouli and myrrh.
    and even though it isn't very manly, I so love the smell of rose.  
    Such wonderful delights for the senses.
    I suspect you are every bit as fragrant and lovely in the wide open air
    as your well crafted words are on crisp white paper.
    You capture the imagination.
      August 25, 2019 3:06 PM MDT

  • 7939
    I'm allergic to most of it. I break out in hives when it comes into contact with my skin. Just smelling it kickstarts my sinuses and makes me sick.
      August 25, 2019 1:34 PM MDT

  • 46117
    I have a perfect job for you. Stay home and run an internet site.  I think you would be perfect.
      August 25, 2019 1:35 PM MDT

  • 7939
    LMAO Brilliant. I might try my hand at that one day.
      August 25, 2019 2:01 PM MDT

  • 46117
    I suggest you ask the boss for a RAISE.  You deserve that much.  
      August 25, 2019 2:01 PM MDT

  • 4624
    Oh, JA! That would wipe out most South-East Asian cuisines for you -
    unless you cooked them at home minus the dreaded cilantro.
      August 25, 2019 1:46 PM MDT

  • 7939
    Different topics. ;) Perfume is a nay; cilantro is a yea! 
      August 25, 2019 2:01 PM MDT

  • 46117

    Cilantro Oil Uses and Benefits  HEY HEY JA!  I FOUND SOMETHING YOU CAN EAT AND WEAR TOO.



    Cilantro Essential Oil Product Description
    Well known as a key culinary ingredient, Cilantro oil comes from an herb recognized for its many uses and benefits in the kitchen and for the body. Cilantro oil has a flavorful kick that can be used in many different dishes, including dips, salads, meats, and guacamole. Incorporating Cilantro into meals can spice up an average recipe. Consuming Cilantro can also provide powerful internal benefits. When used internally, Cilantro essential oil can aid in healthy digestion and act as a natural cleanser and detoxifier for the body.* Cilantro oil can also help cleanse and freshen the air when its sweet and herbal aroma is diffused. When applied to the skin, Cilantro provides a soothing and cooling feeling that can aid in the relaxation of the body. Cilantro essential oil’s diverse capabilities make it an important oil to have in any home. 
    Where to Buy Cilantro Essential Oil
    To buy a bottle of pure and potent Cilantro, visit the Cilantro oil product page. 
    In order to receive the full benefits of essential oils, it is important to purchase oils that are pure and potent. The purity and potency of an essential oil can be a strong determiner of how effective it is for your needs. Many essential oils available for purchase lack purity and potency and are riddled with filler substances and contaminants. At doTERRA, our mission is to provide high-quality essential oils that are free of harmful contaminants and fillers and are pure and potent so that each essential oil can produce its full benefits. We ensure the purity and potency of our oils by putting each batch of oils through the CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® protocol. This protocol involves multiple intensive tests that determine the quality of each oil. When the oils have been tested and found potent and pure, they are then sold so that people around the world can reap the powerful benefits of essential oils.

    Cilantro Essential Oil Uses and Benefits

    1. Fall in love with essential oil recipes by trying this healthy and delicious Jalapeno and Goat Cheese Hummus with Cilantro and Lime essential oil. This dynamic combination of spicy Jalapenos, rich goat cheese, and hearty white beans is a crowd-pleasing dip perfect for a variety of social occasions. The Cilantro and Lime essential oils add a unique and flavorful twist, making this an ideal dip for vegetables and breads alike. Make sure to include Jalapeno and Goat Cheese White Bean Dip in your next social gathering and it will surely impress family and friends.
    2. Sometimes a simple internal cleanse is just what the body needs. Cilantro essential oil is a great oil to use for a bodily cleanse due to its powerful cleansing and detoxifying abilities.* Place two drops of Cilantro essential oil in a Veggie Capsule and take it internally to experience a cleansing and detoxifying effect that will leave your body feeling refreshed.
    3. Spice up your citrus diffuser blends with Cilantro essential oil. Cilantro oil has a fresh, sweet, and herbal aroma that works perfectly with citrus blends. When you add Cilantro oil to the citrus blend of your choosing, the pure aroma of Cilantro oil will add to the freshness of the citrus oils, creating a soft, herbal aroma. Cilantro can also be used in non-citrus blends to produce a piquant freshness.
    4. Are you looking for a tasty and healthy recipe the whole family can enjoy? Try a healthy twist on the traditional burger with this Vegetarian Black Bean Burger recipe. This delicious recipe is packed with vegetables and essential nutrients that will satisfy your body—especially your taste buds. With the addition of Cilantro and Basil essential oils, the burger is not only healthy but bursting with flavor. This essential oil recipe is a great and delicious way to up your veggie intake.
    5. Avoid unpleasant smells in your home or at work with Cilantro oil. Because of Cilantro’s fresh, herbal aroma, it is a powerful oil to help you steer clear of unwanted odors. Place a few drops of Cilantro oil into a diffuser to help deodorize any room and dissipate the unpleasant aromas in the air. When diffused, Cilantro essential oil will not only eliminate bad smells, but will also fill the room with its fresh, herbal aroma.
    6. Create your own cilantro rice dish by adding one drop of Cilantro oil to your cooked rice for a delicious and zesty boost. Cilantro is known to elevate dishes to a new level of flavor and is commonly used in rice meals. By adding Cilantro essential oil, you can transform a mundane pot of rice into a cilantro rice dish that all will enjoy.
    7. After eating a favorite meal, dining out with some friends, or having a tasty holiday dinner, it is not uncommon for the words “stuffed” or “too full” to come to mind, describing the lethargic, after-food state. For moments like this, make sure to have your Cilantro essential oil in tow. Cilantro oil contains powerful properties that can aid with digestion when used internally. Use Cilantro essential oil with water or in a Veggie Capsule after over-indulging to assist with digestion* and avoid the lingering effects of that “stuffed” state.
    8. Forget about chopping herbed cilantro; make your cooking experience an easy one by using an essential oil. Cilantro oil is power packed with benefits from its original herbed state. It can be used to replace herb cilantro in a variety of recipes while still providing flavorful benefits. Try replacing herb cilantro with 1 drop of Cilantro essential oil in all of your favorite guacamole, salsa, salad, or dip recipes. You will love how easy and delicious it is.
    9. Taking Cilantro essential oil internally can do wonders for the body. Cilantro oil contains many natural and important components that are beneficial in bringing the body needed support. Place one drop of Cilantro essential oil into a Veggie Capsule to provided your body with important antioxidant benefits.* 

    Fun Fact
    All parts of the cilantro plant are edible.1 The leaves of the cilantro and the seeds of the plant, known as coriander, are often used as spices in Latin American, Asian, and American cuisine, and the coriander root is used in Thai dishes.  

    Plant Description
    The cilantro plant, also known as coriander, is an annual herb known for its ability to produce cilantro leaves and coriander seeds. The leaves of the cilantro plant are small, green, and feathery. The plant also produces flowers that blossom in clusters that form little umbrella shapes. These flowers are a pale pink or white color. The yellow-brown fruit of the cilantro plant produces an oval shaped fruit that holds two seeds. The cilantro plant can grow to be up to 50 cm in height.  This soft plant originates from the Near East and only survives one growing season. 
    Chemistry of Cilantro Essential Oil
    Main Chemical Component: Linalool
    Cilantro’s main chemical component is Linalool. Linalool is a powerful natural chemical with many benefits. A recent study, featured on the doTERRA Science Blog, suggests that Linalool can help reduce sad feelings when taken internally because of its effect the on the Monoaminergic system of the brain.* When Linalool naturally enters the Monoaminergic system, it acts on multiple receptors in the system. Once multiple receptors are targeted, the effects of Linalool are more potent and long lasting than molecules that target only one receptor. Because Linalool helps support brain chemistry balance in these receptors, it has the effect of reducing sad feelings.*4 Another recent study suggests that Linalool may also help facilitate the normal process of relaxation of the blood vessels.*5  Cilantro oil also contains a Linalool called decanal, which has a toning or harmonizing effect on the body when ingested. For more information on the chemical components in Cilantro or other essential oils, visit the doTERRA Science Blog.
    Oils that Blend Well with Cilantro Essential Oil
    Cilantro essential oil blends well with Melaleuca (Tea Tree)BergamotBasilLemonClary SageBlack PepperCorianderGeraniumMarjoramCinnamon Bark, and Ylang Ylang essential oils for diffusion. 
    Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.
    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at August 25, 2019 6:56 PM MDT
      August 25, 2019 2:06 PM MDT

  • 53703





    (Gee, where does it end?)



    *Pay the mortgage, walk the dog, rearrange the spice rack, channel-surf, eat ice cream, do a crossword puzzle, pick lint from the inside corner of the left pocket of my pants, grow an okra plant, iron a shirt for work tomorrow, tighten screws on straightjacket . . . 




    Whew, finally!
      August 26, 2019 4:43 AM MDT

  • I happen to be one of those people who luckily does not suffer many allergies so I love all the many varied scents that are available to tickle and caress the olfactory nerves.  Wild floral and woodsy earthen scents found in nature.  The sweet, spicy, tease of comforting food fragrances like those that waft through a kitchen.  Fresh clean invigorating smells of soaps mixed with gentle fabric softeners found in warm-from-the-dryer laundry.  All of them speak to me and draw out different shades of my personality and emotions.   

    I find Bath & Body stores with all their sprays, and lotions, and candles, and oils, and scrubs to be a favorite haunt of mine. When I walk through the door of a place such as that its as if part of me awakens that I did not know was slumbering as synapses begin firing. 

    I recall answering a similar question a couple of years ago and by the time I had listed all the ingredients that make up the recipe of my signature smell JA was running for cover just from reading it.  I remember her saying that she dare not come anywhere near me because I am highly toxic.  So...there's that! 

    I am admittedly an overly enchanting elixir at times but even with the plethora of aromatic options lining my cosmetic shelf more often than not my bouquet is rather simple.  It is a light touch of Creme Brulee body oil, occasional hints of bubble gum that I'm chewing, mixed with fabric softener in my clothing.  And when I'm lucky, the smell of my boyfriend lingering on me as that is my favorite redolence
     of all.

      August 25, 2019 2:55 PM MDT

  • 46117
    I LOVE good stores. But the  ones in the mall STINK.  I mean those Bath stores.  BLECH.

    I love the idea of great smells, just not cheap crappy smells. Same as with those candle stores. CANNOT STAND THAT SMELL.  GODAWFUL.  All smells the same.  Like overly-strong caramel.  


      August 25, 2019 2:58 PM MDT

  • 11591
    If I can smell it, you're wearing too much scent. I don't really care for it and some of it makes my lungs hurt. 
      August 25, 2019 3:33 PM MDT

  • 44767
    The only time I use anything is the rare occasion that I shave with a blade. Then I will use a very mild smelling, non-alcohol shave gel to soothe.  That is maybe 4 times a year. My wife, however, sometimes will wear what I call Eau de Skank. The first time she wore it I got very...never-mind. I told her to be careful, as every perv within 50 feet of her would be attracted. My sisters wear patchouli, which causes me to choke.
      August 25, 2019 7:05 PM MDT

  • 17660
    I used to wear fragrance but not for many years now.  I can hardly stand to smell it on men or women.  I think PTA meetings had something to do with that.  All of the tiny kingdom moms wearing their expensive fragrances created a cloud of true stink.  I actually left the meeting twice.  I  didn't allow my employees to wear it in the office.  The litmus test was if I noticed it, it was too much.  :)  I stopped wearing and it let my soap that has only true essential oil to give me a faint scent.  Synthetic fragrance is the number one offender on the bad chemicals list.  They cause problems including respiratory ones.  
      August 25, 2019 9:33 PM MDT

  • 53703

      Yes I do, and many of them, but I do not know their brand names.

      August 26, 2019 4:45 AM MDT

  • 44767
    You once mentioned you used Old Spice.
      August 26, 2019 8:18 AM MDT

  • 53703
    One of many. I alternate constantly. 
      August 26, 2019 2:19 PM MDT