It was in a meeting. Meetings are not taped or recorded. It was divulged by someone who attended the meeting. I'll Google and see what happens. What could it hurt? Thanks. Back after I GOOGLED "Did trump ever suggest nuking hurricanes to prevent them from hitting land?" and a zillion things came up on scrreen. What exactly did you research? FYI
This post was edited by RosieG at August 26, 2019 9:14 AM MDT
I receive email newsletters from various news sources, some of them did have an item about Trump thinking 'nuke a hurricane' and all did mention their source was Axios.
This post was edited by Kittigate at August 26, 2019 9:55 AM MDT
I didn't Google it because awhile back Trump said science was in his blood because his uncle was a scientist so I assumed Trump gave his scientific opinion on how to stop a hurricane. Actually I did read about it and now I see Trump is no scientist. Cheers!
Ha! I just posted a question, too, about that - - and I saw another one last night on the site but forgot where. I wanted to post on the question I saw last night. Darn. :)
I don't know what I think -- but whether fake news or not, it says an awful lot about the president that I believe he COULD have said that about hurricanes, simply based on many of the other countless other things I've heard him say.
I believe he said it Walt. It is too specific to have anyone just make it up. Whether he did or didn't I really don't care. The fact that his brain engages the way it does makes any wiggy wackadoodle thing he is credited with saying or doing possible. Why is that? Because he lies all the time and because he doesn't understand the first thing about anything. He is as stoopid dumb as they. The wackier crazier nuttier it is matters not. SIGH. Sadly. Thank you for your reply! :)