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Randy D
Discussion » Questions » Family » Parents, what is something that you thought would or might scare your child/ren, but it did not? ~

Parents, what is something that you thought would or might scare your child/ren, but it did not? ~

Posted - August 26, 2019


  • 44362
    Easy one...roller coasters.
      August 26, 2019 7:02 PM MDT

  • 3523
    Sharks.  My son seemed to have no fear of them and, to my thinking, was quite reckless in his eagerness see what was down there.  He'd just jump in and swim to the bottom first thing all by himself.  I don't know, maybe he was just braver than I am.
      August 26, 2019 8:29 PM MDT

  • 17483
    When I was a kid I was so afraid of darkness.  My mother refused to leave a light on for me.  I put night lights in my children's rooms and they could not have cared less.  If the bulb burned out it was no big deal.  I think they were more stable and secure children that I was all those many years ago.   
      August 26, 2019 11:23 PM MDT