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What if Trump's intention is to mess up the voting systems so badly we cannot have a 20/20 election period?

Posted - August 27, 2019


  • Oh we'll have elections alright. The Democrats have turned bogus electioneering into an art form as far back as 1960 when the Mafia tampered with the presidential election and changed the outcome. Having an election has never been a problem. Having a legitimate election is something else entirely.
      August 27, 2019 10:53 AM MDT

  • 46117
    I know you. You are Alex Jones' former bartender. Since Alex got SOBER, you are drinking up your own profits and spouting Alex Jones rhetoric.  Funny how that happens to those who like that potato.  
      August 27, 2019 12:24 PM MDT

  • 34863
    We will have an election. Trump will win. 
      August 27, 2019 11:11 AM MDT

  • 46117
    In the FACE of what has been reported on the FACTUAL NEWS CHANNELS: ALL TEN OF THEM, Trump is losing so badly that anybody running against him could beat him.  Forget Biden.  ANY ONE.

    He is not liked.  Turn your channel to reality.  If he does not cheat he will NEVER see daylight.  HE WILL BE LOCKED UP.  So, he is a feral animal backed into a  corner.  He has a few poison fangs left.  America had  better make sure he is not re-elected.  
      August 27, 2019 11:40 AM MDT

  • 34863
    Really. Polls mean nothing this time in the race. 

    But if you want to look at them:

    There is roughly 1 point difference.  But interestingly Trumps approval remains fairly constant at 40% or better.  Meaning his base is very happy. Election will as always be about the base turning out. 
      August 27, 2019 1:29 PM MDT

  • 5391
    His disapproval rating remains constant as well. (56%)
    No President has been this unpopular at this stage of a first term. 
    By the time he’s done denigrating groups of Americans, only zealots (check the mirror) and idiots will be left to support him. 

    Hide from the polls if you like, but let the sample of opinion here in this site serve to prove yours is a minority here too. 
      August 27, 2019 2:59 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Let me see.  Without ONE poll.  IF HE DOES NOT GET HELP IN THE FORM OF EXTREME GERRYMANDERING, AND HACKING, AND PAYING OFF CROOKS (this is layman's terms), he doesn't have a prayer.  No matter how many Evangelicals look to him as the CHOSEN ONE.  
      August 27, 2019 3:05 PM MDT

  • 34863
    Not one poll this is the average of polls. And as has been explained before President elections cannot be gerrymandered....that only applies to the House. 
      August 27, 2019 3:18 PM MDT

  • 5391
    Despite what they tell each other, there aren’t enough Evangelicals to win a national election. There just aren’t. 
    Trump has not expanded his base, and at this point he can’t. 40% won’t win an election. Where will the rest come from? Black people? Brown people? Educated people? Women?
    Yeah right.
    Unlike last time, we know what Trump is like: hence his historic unpopularity. 

    The number of voters he has offended and slandered continues to grow, on pace with the tally of his lies, and defections from the Trump camp exceed new members.  
    Evangelicals and deluded mental midgets like them may be dissonant enough to excuse incompetence, narcissism and disorder, but they are still a distinct minority.  
      August 27, 2019 3:25 PM MDT

  • 34863
    No you need to look at the graph again. Trumps has disapproval in 53.6 and approval is 43.2. Obama's was the same time in his term....was 52 and 44 on today's date of 8/27.  but go to 8/31 and he goes to 53.2 and 43.0.  Last time I checked my math those numbers are basically the same as Trump currently.   You go ahead and believe that no other President has had these kind of numbers.  And then ignore that fact that Trump support seems to poll lower....that is why they all thought Hillary was gonna win.  LOL This post was edited by my2cents at August 27, 2019 3:34 PM MDT
      August 27, 2019 3:33 PM MDT

  • 5391
    Unfortunately M2C, you compare to Trump in that you have no credibility. 
    Let this sink in: 
    You, yourself proclaim, “Polls mean nothing this time in the race”.
    Yet there you are asserting a handpicked poll ...(ahem)... “summary”.
    THEN, you criticize polls.
    You want it both ways, apparently. 
    (There is a word for that, begins with an H, but would get me edited)

    Check your math again, those numbers aren’t the same ...oops. Even in polls you say don’t mean anything. 

    Be assured, the laughing is louder over here. 

    Pray Trump wins. It’s what you have. 

    This post was edited by Don Barzini at August 27, 2019 4:37 PM MDT
      August 27, 2019 4:18 PM MDT

  • 34863
    If I remember correctly you say you do not trust any poll. 

    My point in showing the AVERGE of pollS. It to show that those who are claiming victory are premature as Obama had the same type polls at the SAME time in his term. I am not being selective at all....I am using the average of the polls from both Presidents at the same time in their first terms. 
    Obamas was a couple 100ths higher disapproval and Trumps a couple 100ths lower approval.  I call that close enough. 
    Again not cherrypicking a poll. But using average of all polls taken.
    Feel free to check my stats they are from Real Clear Politics who keeps a record of polls made. This post was edited by my2cents at August 27, 2019 4:37 PM MDT
      August 27, 2019 4:34 PM MDT

  • 5391
    Polls are fodder for pollsters and talking heads. I hold that none are large enough in sample to be worth the air that is wasted debating them. 

    But you can’t have it both ways, either you honor polls or you don’t. You aren’t entitled to your own facts, i.e., “basically the same”, “average of [admittedly flawed] polls“.
    This is rationalizing hearsay. 

    It is clear, at least to me, that you are unreceptive to this concept.  

    Face it, you support an epically dishonest, self-obsessed, capricious and corrosive man-child, who has left behind a wake of destruction throughout his life. A man incapable of empathy, honesty, humor or humility.  

    But you “like his policies”. (Whatever you see of them)

    My point: Thinking you can separate who someone is from what they are about, is an exercise of self-deceit.  
    To me, credibility eludes you because you consistently think in this way. 
      August 27, 2019 8:17 PM MDT

  • 34863
    As I have said polls are good for watching trends.  I have never said polls are useless. 
    But a poll Aug the year before an election almost always goes for the party not in power. That is a fact so they mean nothing for the upcoming election.
    As you can see I did not bring up polls. But I am willing to discuss polls if that is where someone wants to go. Even if they are pointless at this point. 

      August 27, 2019 8:57 PM MDT

  • 2836
    Trump is a clearly an extremely dishonest man and an enormous liar. Republicans will do whatever they can to rig the elections in his favor.  In 2016 & 2018, the only persons caught and arrested for voter fraud were republicans. They tried unsuccessfully in 2012. As evidence, one merely needs to review the shockingly  awful meltdown of Fox personalities; specifically Karl Rove who had a meltdown and began crying on live broadcast. They were so sure Romney would win. It was as if they had inside knowledge and indeed, there was "rumor" of electronic ballot manipulation. The group anonymous claimed to have prevented the election from being stolen. Im not sure how and why anyone can claim to hold the high ground when they spent so much time hating on and ridiculing  Trump during the primaries then annointing him their  King, their  personal  Jesus, the King of the Jews, the chosen one. 
     Make no mistake about it, Trump and his minions of sycophants and brown shirt thugs will do their best to steal this election. When Trump is declared the loser ,he most likely will challenge the results and refuse to leave the office.  
      August 27, 2019 12:10 PM MDT

  • 46117
    I'm thinking that by also letting the Russians do their thing and any one else who wants to mess and hack the tallies, he will make it impossible to COUNT the votes, thus stalling possibly for a good year or two ANY thought of the USA getting any governing DONE at all. AND YES he would still be gumming up the world with his insane reign.

    That could happen.  It looks like it will.  Thank you for that very nicely detailed development of what is currently on the horizon.  

      August 27, 2019 12:22 PM MDT

  • 34863
    Romney had no chance.....not from the start. No one wanted him.
    This post was edited by my2cents at August 27, 2019 3:38 PM MDT
      August 27, 2019 3:35 PM MDT

  • 2836
    I agree. Republicans picked terrible candidates in Romney and Ryan 
    Best debates ever though. Watching Obama & Biden eviscerate Romney and Ryan was a blast!

      August 27, 2019 6:03 PM MDT

  • 34863
    And McCain. 
      August 27, 2019 7:32 PM MDT

  • 16976
    McCain was a fair candidate but his age was against him, particularly as he let the party foist a brain-dead cretin on him as running mate. If he died in office (a distinct possibility at the time), that would have left Palin as President - and NOBODY was going to risk that.
    Given that the global economy was in freefall at the time thanks to GWB's GFC, there was no way that any Republican candidate was going to get elected - McCain was a sacrificial lamb.
      August 27, 2019 8:46 PM MDT

  • 34863
    His being a RINO on several issues was his problem. 
    Palin was the only thing that even kept it as "close" as it was. 

    McCain picked Palin and then was stupid and gave her first interview to ABC...She was local politican. She should have been sent to the talk radio first to get her ready for the liberal media. Bit he believed they liked him because of his RINOness.
      August 27, 2019 9:04 PM MDT