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Cheaper by the dozen. You've heard of that. Name something that is definitely NOT cheaper by the dozen.

Posted - September 12, 2019


  • 44366
    Mail order Ukrainian brides.
      September 12, 2019 11:34 AM MDT

  • 46117
    I totally see a new avenue in which to take advantage of this superhawt market.

    Let's do just that.  We can do a pyramid.  Like, GENTS, if you get just 11 of your friends to join and buy, we can ship these beauties to you at half price.
      September 12, 2019 11:37 AM MDT

  • 423
    Wow, choosing to live with an Ukranian female, that's pushing the limit of tolerance. The only step further I know of would be a Serbian bride. Oh, no offence of course, and I certainly have nothing against Serbians, other than their inbred arrogance and sense of superiority, and their starting the first world war, which led inevitably to the second world war. Of course there are exceptions - there must be, surely. This post was edited by Stemmata949 at September 12, 2019 11:54 AM MDT
      September 12, 2019 11:52 AM MDT

  • 44366
    My grand parents were from The Ukraine...
      September 12, 2019 11:56 AM MDT

  • 46117
    WOW. That little bride did ALL that?  STONE HER.

    (get a day job)
      September 12, 2019 12:00 PM MDT

  • Children I would imagine. 
    Unless of course you could segue the litter into a reality show
    or perhaps form a family singing group.
      September 12, 2019 12:44 PM MDT

  • 46117
    The Osmonds, nice normal Mormon family who sanely and consciously keeping their integrity intact, climbed to a level of admirable success?


    The Jacksons, a dysfunctional, I don't KNOW what religion they all had at first. I know Michael SAID he was Jehovah's Witness, but I don't know ONE Jehovah that acted like that.

    I don't know many, I admit, but none of them got high and slept with children.

    YES. There is more than PLENTY of proof he did it.

    So we have a normal family who achieved more than moderate success and you have a family that has more dysfunction than any famous family singing group, schooled by a deranged father who beat them if they screwed up.

    But two of those kids became REALLY FAMOUS.

    One for a lot of things besides singing (which he was pretty darned good at) and one for being really good too and flashing her naked boob at HALF-TIME.


    Which seems to be the better path taken? 
      September 13, 2019 1:21 PM MDT

  • 13395
    Cats because they are always breaking things and shredding the furniture. 
      September 12, 2019 1:55 PM MDT

  • 46117
    The only thing cheap is what a dozen cost.  People try and give them away.  

    Then it gets really expensive.  Once you get those free kitties.   This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at September 12, 2019 5:48 PM MDT
      September 12, 2019 2:13 PM MDT

  • 53019
    Recurring, frivolous, baseless restraining orders. 

      September 12, 2019 7:41 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Stalking for Dummies?

    Write that book and keep your worried mind busy.
      September 13, 2019 1:16 PM MDT

  • 1893
    Girlfriends, wives, dogs, cats -  I sense a theme here
      September 13, 2019 1:13 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Things we must nurture and be responsible for in some way? This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at September 13, 2019 9:40 PM MDT
      September 13, 2019 1:15 PM MDT

  • 1893
    Things in our lives which can become inordinately expensive.  One wife was expensive enough, I will not go for two.  I cannot imagine a dozen wives or ex wives.  Even Islam limits one to only 4 wives
      September 13, 2019 1:20 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Fool you once shame on them fool you twice shame on you. I am glad you learned from this and won't put yourself though unnecessary hassle.  Love is lovelier the 2nd time around?  Frank Sinatra?  I don't know. I like everyone and love no one. It works for me.  
      September 13, 2019 2:56 PM MDT

  • 1893
    I prefer love for my partner, she is pretty great.  Neither one of us wants another trip to the alter so to speak
      September 14, 2019 9:47 AM MDT