Discussion » Statements » WOW. Donald Trump. WOW. Rudy Giulianni. WOW. WE are now in WATERGATE TERRITORY but unlike NIXON, TRUMP is not going to get a deal.

WOW. Donald Trump. WOW. Rudy Giulianni. WOW. WE are now in WATERGATE TERRITORY but unlike NIXON, TRUMP is not going to get a deal.

Posted - September 21, 2019


  • 17095
    The only reason that His Royal Orangeness hasn't been impeached already is that the Dems don't want to risk the chance that Pence will pardon him. There's precedent, Ford did that for Tricky Dick.

    They want to clobber him in 2020 so they can JAIL his a$$.
      September 22, 2019 5:22 AM MDT

  • 5391
    There it is. 
      September 22, 2019 5:48 AM MDT

  • 11591
    Nixon was never impeached. He resigned. His pardon was for the crimes he committed and a Republican president might well pardon Trump for his crimes he may be charged with after he leaves office for any reason.  The Democrats are more concerned about re-election than about upholding the Constitution. And, as I have said before, impeachment does not mean Trump will be removed from office - that would require the Republican senate majority to vote in favor of it.  This is a complex issue. If Democrats lose their seats in Congress due to the impeachment, then Republicans will have even more power in the next term. If they don't impeach, then they are giving Trump the go-ahead to continue to flaunt the law. Trump has highlighted all the existing flaws in our political system and I hope that in the future we can work to fix them. 
      September 22, 2019 9:03 AM MDT

  • 5391
    All of this accumulating iniquity far outweighs any good Trump may have accomplished, whatever his misled supporters convince themselves that may be. Certainly it will continue to mount. To the common disadvantage. 
    None of it matters to him, as long as someone is there to lavish praise in his direction, no matter how imagined, forced or exaggerated.
    As long as vested partisans like McConnell and puppet Pence, and denizens of fantasy-world like Christian Evangelicals continue to enable and fawn over the idiot Orange despot, he will not evolve, admit fault, develop leadership skills, or become a model citizen.
    It will be left to the electorate to clear Trump from office and render due process, as both political parties are too weak, tone deaf and self-involved to act in the public interest, despite more than sufficient fodder to bury him, and recklessly provided by the man himself. 

    This post was edited by Don Barzini at September 22, 2019 8:24 AM MDT
      September 22, 2019 6:38 AM MDT