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How can you tell the difference between a demon possessed individual or one who is just having a bad day?

Posted - September 24, 2019


  • 53677

      (demon possessed demon-possessed)

    I usually just go by his or her use of grammar.
      September 25, 2019 6:05 AM MDT

  • 3719
    Easy: they are both having a bad day! :-)

    (I do not believe in demons and demonic possession.)
      January 14, 2020 2:21 PM MST

  • 13071
    Satan wants to keep it that way too. Lol
      February 10, 2020 8:47 AM MST

  • 13395
    The ones who are not demon possessed just do a lot of tweeting on a bad day.
      February 10, 2020 9:22 AM MST

  • 5391

    Demons?  Wow... is THAT your deal? 

    This post was edited by Don Barzini at February 10, 2020 4:51 PM MST
      February 10, 2020 3:36 PM MST

  • 1305
    When they look down they can see their own ass? 

    I don't know, would Lucifer be considered a demon? Or a light bringer? Let's ask the Lucis Trust which funds the United Nations and actually guides their principles in which they want to help man to "evolve," as they claim the solar angels have helped us throughout history which interestingly relates to co-founder of evolution,  Alfred Russell Wallaces stance, also John Dee's who used scrying tools to summon demons, or Madam Blavatsky who influenced Alice Bailey who set up the Lucifer Publishing company and claimed to be clairvoyant and in touch with a being that helped her automatically write her book, similar to Aleister Crowley also a supporter of Theosophy a member of the A.A brotherhood, and a CIA agent and freemason...

    Quote The Lucis Trust is dedicated to the establishment of a new and better way of life for everyone in the world based on the fulfillment of the divine plan for humanity. Its educational activities promote recognition and practice of the spiritual principles and values upon which a stable and interdependent world society may be based. The esoteric philosophy of its founder, Alice Bailey, informs its activities which are offered freely throughout the world in eight languages.

    Quote The Lucis Trust has Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC)  and  World Goodwill is recognized by the Department of Public Information at the United Nations as a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO). As such the Trust and World Goodwill are part of a community of many hundreds of NGOs that play an active role in the United Nations, particularly in spreading information about the UN and fostering support for UN programs. Since their inception Lucis Trust and World Goodwill have given their support through meditation, educational materials and seminars, by highlighting the importance of the UN's goals and activities as they represent the voice of the peoples and nations of the world. 

    Descent and Sacrifice

    There is always a choice of two paths, and it is a choice which must,
    for the human being, be guided by free will.

    Reprinted from The Beacon, September-October 1989

    by Sarah McKechnie

    The mystery of the descent or "fall" to Earth of the rebellious angels—the solar angels or agnishvattas—is said to be the mystery hinted at in the Scriptures, and "the secret of the ages" (Esoteric Psychology II, p. 93). Thus it is not surprising that there is so much confusion and misunderstanding concerning the "fallen angels" of which Lucifer is the best known representative.

    The secret of the "fallen angels" is essentially the mystery which lies behind the very Plan of evolution, for the solar angels' willingness to "fall", to sacrifice themselves in order to bring the light of the principle of mind to what was then animal man, marked the coming into action of the great Law of Duality by which matter, form—negative and passive—could be quickened by spirit. This act of sacrifice at the dawn of human history is a thread woven throughout the great scriptures and mythologies of the world, including the myth of Prometheus who stole fire (mind) for man, and the biblical story of the Prodigal Son, who left the Father’s home to embark upon the path of experience in the life of form and the senses—the journey to "the far country".

    The role of the solar angels and their sacrifice on behalf of humanity is discussed at length in The Secret Doctrine by H.P. Blavatsky. In fact, in 1887 the magazine of the Theosophical Society took "Lucifer" as its name in an effort to bring clarity to what it regarded as an unfairly maligned sacrificing angel.

    The name "Lucifer" comes from the Latin words, Lux or Lucis (light) and ferre (to bring); thus Lucifer literally means "light-bearer". It is linked with the planet Venus in Revelations XXII: 16 when Christ says "I am the bright morning star", which is Venus, heralding the coming into full light of the Sun—the Son, the Christ. Interestingly the role of "light-bearer" is linked with Mercury, or Hermes—the divine messenger for the Gods in Greek and Roman mythology. In Christianity Mercury’s function is served by St. Michael, "the Angel Guardian" of Christ, according to St. Thomas. The esoteric interrelationship of this Angel Guardian and Christ is further illumined in the statement by the Tibetan teacher with whom Alice Bailey collaborated to write a series of books on the Ageless Wisdom, that "Mercury and the Sun are one".

    Esoterically, the role of Guardian Angel was made possible by the sacrifice of the solar angels in their preservation of the principle of mind or, occultly, fire, through persistent repeated incarnations in form until animal man became thinking man and, finally, began to awaken to his true spiritual heritage: human/divine man. Thus the solar angel creates the form for the incarnating soul principle—the causal body—and it also withdraws that body at the fourth initiation, when the link between form and spirit has been permanently fused and the causal body is shattered.

    The notion of the "rebellious angel" seems to trace back to the poet John Milton in Paradise Lost, which seemed to anchor in human consciousness the idea of the descent of the solar angels as an act of rebellion and therefore a fall from grace. ("To reign is worth ambition, though in Hell: Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.") Yet this spirit of rebellion and ensuing pain is not found on Venus, we are told by the Tibetan. The rebellious spirit appears to rest squarely on Earth, for the Tibetan suggests that this spirit of rebellion qualified the attitude of our planetary Logos himself, the "Divine Rebel". The Tibetan quotes the Old Commentary:

    He entered into life and knew it to be death.

    He took a form and grieved to find it dark.

    He drove Himself forth from the secret place and sought the place of light, and light revealed all that he sought the least.

    He craved permission to return.

    He sought the Throne on high and Him who sat thereon.

    He said "I sought not this. I looked for peace, for light, for scope to serve, to prove my love and to reveal my power. Light there is none. Peace is not found. Let me return.

    But He who sat upon the Throne turned not his head. He seemed not even to listen nor to hear. But from the lower sphere of darkness and of pain a voice came forth and cried: "We suffer here. We seek the light. We need the glory of an entering God. [I can find no other words except these last two to express the ancient symbol from which I am translating.] Lift us to Heaven. Enter, 0 Lord, the tomb. Raise us into the light and make the sacrifice. Break down for us the prison wall and enter into pain.

    The lord of Life returned. He liked it not, and hence the pain.

    (Esoteric Psychology II, p. 98)

    Evil of Separatism

    Yet sin and evil do exist on Earth. We are told by the Tibetan that the only true evil is the sin of separatism. And in this sense we gain some understanding of how Lucifer became identified with evil, for the awakening mind which characterises the stage of advanced humanity today is, as we know all too well, our means both of liberation and of further separation and imprisonment. The mind, functioning and powerful but devoid of soul, can be the great crystallising factor which builds powerful barriers of separation. "The mind is the slayer of the Real. Slay thou the slayer", the disciple is commanded. In this sense the mind in its concrete and analytical element becomes the refuge (and the unrecognised prison) of the ideologue, and is indeed capable of the sin of separatism through prejudice and hate and the wiilingness to accept the distortions of half-truths.

    Further clarification of the role of the solar angels is found in a consideration of the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict and the fifth Ray of Knowledge, and the planets Mercury and Venus, through which they respectively channel their energies. For Mercury is the "Messenger of the Gods" and the fourth ray is the fluid principle which links the Plan and Purpose of divinity, known on the level of buddhi or intuition, which is ruled by Mercury, with the mind or manas, ruled by Venus and the fifth ray. "Venus was the custodian of what we call the principle of Mind and brought it as a pure gift to embryonic humanity", we are told in The Rays and the Initiations. Or as the Buddha said, "Love is the deliverance of mind". And the fifth ray, channelled by Venus and mental in expression, "operates in connection with the Law of Cleavages", and "is also responsible for the rapid formation of great conditioning ideologies" (Ibid., p. 602). In this we are reminded that the solar angels who chose to descend to Earth submitted to the Law of Duality so that the evolution of the human being could be dependent upon the development of mental discrimination and free will, and thus upon the capacity to make choices and to choose the higher way. There is always a choice of two paths, and it is a choice which must, for the human being, be guided by free will.

    The substance of the mental plane is fifth ray, channelled through Venus, and because the angel kingdom works with substance—with the form aspect—so the solar angels brought the substance of mentality to man by establishing the link of the causal body of the soul on the mental plane—a link preserved until the fourth initiation which shatters the no longer needed form of the causal body. Some idea of the magnitude of this act of the solar angels is suggested in the realisation that the fifth Ray of Knowledge "is the energy which admits humanity (and particularly the trained disciple or initiate) into the mysteries of the Mind of God Himself. It is the 'Substantial' key to the Universal Mind" (Ibid., p. 591).

    Further, the link of the fifth Ray of Knowledge and the second Ray of Love-Wisdom is said to be exceedingly close, because the second ray rules this present solar system, and in the sacrifice of the "Light Bearing" solar angels on behalf of animal man, the second ray aspect of wisdom was awakened, for "wisdom is knowledge gained by experience [the journey of the Prodigal Son] and implemented by love". Thus the descent of the solar angels into substance brought the legacy of experience to the unfoldment of the divine Plan.

    So, returning to the story of the Prodigal Son, to understand the deeper implications of the Prodigal Son’s experience, it is important to note that, upon his return to the Father’s home, the Father joyously rushed out to embrace him, leaving the elder son who had remained at home feeling jealous and unappreciated. That such a journey to "a far country" is part of God"s Plan seems to be verified by the following passage from the Tibetan:

    This urge to sacrifice, to relinquish this for that, to choose one way or line of conduct and thus sacrifice another way, to lose in order eventually to gain—such is the underlying story of evolution. This needs psychological understanding. It is a governing principle of life itself, and runs like a golden pattern of beauty through the dark materials of which human history is constructed. When this urge to sacrifice in order to win, gain or salvage that which is deemed desirable is understood, then the whole clue to man’s unfoldment will stand revealed. This tendency or urge is something different to desire, as desire is academically understood and studied today. What it really connotes is the emergence of that which is most divine in man. It is an aspect of desire, but it is the dynamic, active side and not the feeling, sensuous side. It is the predominant characteristic of Deity.

    (Esoteric Psychology II, p. 97)

    Through the energy of the fifth ray, which is "essentially a light-bearer", the evolution of humanity is hastened, bringing about the descent of the Kingdom of God to Earth as a result of the ascent of so many taking initiation in this age. The fact that The Secret Doctrine equates Venus with Gaia (Earth), and the awakening consciousness of the Gaia theory recognises that Earth is a living and unified organism, suggests that humanity may now be beginning to awaken and cooperate somewhat with the reason for which the angels descended into matter: for the salvaging of substance and the awakening of mind in form so that the Purpose of Deity could be registered and expressed in substance. The solar angels "fell" as an act of choice and of supreme sacrifice on behalf of humanity. Those "Lords of Knowledge and Compassion and of ceaseless persevering Devotion" are ourselves, and we in turn must consciously choose to take control of our incarnation in form, seeking Purpose and thereby rendering life on Earth a gift of sacrifice to the lesser lives dependent on our care.

    Christ said, "I am the bright morning star". His promise, and the legacy of the presence on Earth of all such "light bearers", may best be summarised in the following words: H. P. Blavatsky wrote that "in all the ancient cosmogonies light comes from darkness". And Alice Bailey expressed a similar recognition in the following words: "The Master M. . . adds darkness unto light so that the stars appear, for in the light the stars shine not, but in the darkness light diffused is not, but only focussed points of radiance." (The Rays and the Initiations, p. 170)


    Madam Blavatsky quote "And now it stands proven that Satan, or the Red Fiery Dragon, the 'Lord of Phosphorus,' and Lucifer, or 'Light-Bearer,' is in us: it is our Mind." 

    "Lucifer represents life, though, progress, civilization, liberty, independence. Lucifer is the Logos, the Serpent, the Saviour."

    "So little have thee first Christians (who despoiled the Jews of their Bible) understood the first four chapters of Genesis in their esoteric meaning, that they never perceived that not only was no sin intended in this disobedience, but that actually the 'Serpent' was 'the Lord God' himself, who, as the Ophis, the Logos, or the bearer of divine creative wisdom, taught mankind to become creators in their turn."

    Alice Bailey quote "The Masonic movement... is the custodian of the law; it is the home of the Mysteries and the seat of initiation. It holds in its symbolism the ritual of Deity, and the way of salvation is pictorially preserved in its work. It is a far more occult organization than can be realised, and is intended to be the training school for the coming advanced occultists. In its ceremonials lie hid the wielding of the forces connected with the growth and life of the kingdoms of nature and the unfoldment of the divine aspects in man."

    "There is no question, therefore, that the work to be done in familiarising the general public with the nature of the Mysteries is of paramount importance at this time. These Mysteries will be restored to outer expression through the medium of the Church and the Masonic Fraternity ... When the Great One comes with His disciples and initiates we shall have ... the restoration of the Mysteries and their exoteric presentation as a consequence of the first initiation."

    "In fifty years time, the need for true psychics and conscious mediums (such as H.P.B., for instance [Helena Petrova Blavatsky]) will be very great if the Masters' plans are to be carried through to fruition, and the movement must be set on foot in preparation for the coming of Him for Whom all nations wait"

    Aleister Crowley quote "The Devil' is, historically, the God of any people that one personally dislikes... This serpent, SATAN, is not the enemy of Man, but He who made Gods of our race, knowing Good and Evil; He bade 'Know Thyself!' and taught Initiation. He is 'The Devil' of the Book of Thoth, and His emblem is BAPHOMET, the Androgyne who is the hieroglyph of arcane perfection... He is therefore Life, and Love."

    "There is no grace: there is no guilt: This is the Law: DO WHAT THOU WILT!

    "The Way of the Mastery is to break all the rules - but you have to know them perfectly before you can do this; otherwise you are not in a position to transcend them."

    "A white male child of perfect innocence and intelligence makes the most suitable victim."

    "Those magicians who object to the use of blood, have endeavoured to replace it with incense. But, the bloody sacrifice, though more dangerous, is more efficacious. And for nearly all purposes, human sacrifice is the best."

    Eliphas Levi quote "There is nothing more to controlling demons than to do good and fear nothing."

    The Great Work is, before all things, the creation of man by himself, that is to say, the full and entire conquest of his faculties and his future; it is especially the perfect emancipation of his will.

    Kabbalah/qliphoth which is what they follow:-

    “Thamiel represents duality whereas Kether represents unity. Thus Thamiel is the division of that which is perfect only in unity. As a demonic order name, the Thamiel were before their 'revolt'.  This signifies 'Perfection of God'. These angels sought to become more powerful by adding an Aleph to their name. They then became the 'Duality of God,' an order of the lesser demons. In the lowest state of their 'fall', they become 'the Polluted of God.' The cortex or outer form of the Thamiel is called Cathariel, 'the Broken' or 'Fearful Light of God'.”

    Satan: Adversary

    To Thamiel, “there are two demons that are attributed to stress the view that the demonic opposite of Kether is duality instead of unity and are Satan and Moloch or Malech”.

    Chaigidel: Confusion of the Power of God

    “These are the confusion of that great power which, as Chokmah, goes forth at the beginning to give the vital energy of creation to the processes of Binah. The cortex of the Chaigidel is called Ghogiel, 'Those Who Go Forth into the Place Empty of God'.”

    Beelzebub: Lord of the Flies and Adam Belial: Wicker Man

    To Chaigidel, “both Satan and Beelzebub are attributed as well as Adam Belial. The name Belial is often used separately as a demonic name.”

    Sathariel: Concealment of God

    “Even as Binah is the great revealing one who bestows the structure of the Absolute onto the created, its opposite, the Sathariel, conceals the nature of The Perfect. The cortex or outer form of the Sathariel is called the order of Sheireil, 'The Hairy Ones of God'.”

    Lucifuge: One Who Flees Light

    To Sathariel, Lucifuge “is attributed and means, 'to flee from light'”.  Early texts use the entity's "proper" name, 'Lucifuge Rofocale'.

    Gamchicoth: Devourers

    “Chesed is the source of bounty both in idea and in substance to the lower forms. Gamchicoth is the order of 'Devourers' who seek to waste the substance and thought of creation. The outer form is the order of Azariel, 'The Binding Ones of God'.”

    Astaroth: from the Flood

    To Gamchicoth, “Astaroth is attributed. This is the name of the goddess Astarte, the Ishtar of the Babylonians and perhaps also the Isis of the Egyptians."

    Golachab: Burning Bodies

    “Geburah is a going forth in power to rule in righteousness, in an upright manner. The order of Golab is composed of those who burn to do destruction, enforce their will upon others through strength and not righteousness, in a non-upright manner --- even on themselves. The outer form is Usiel, 'The Ruins of God'.” (See wisdom of Solomon Ch 1, Verse 1, original Greek Septuagint states: "Love Righteousness, yee that be judges of the earth", which is correct, the vulgate states: "Love Justice, you that are the judges of the earth", which is incorrect).

    Asmodeus: The Destroying God or Samael the Black.

    To Golachab, Asmodeus is attributed. “This name is half Hebrew and half Latin. Asmodeus is often mentioned in the literature of demonology. The name can also be translated as 'The one adorned with fire'.” Whom they call also Samael the Black.

    Thagirion(n): Those Who Bellow Grief and Tears

    “Tiphereth is the place of great beauty and rejoicing. The Thagirion build ugliness and groan about it. The cortex of the Thagirion is called Zomiel, 'The Revolt of God'.”

    Belphegor: Lord of the Dead

    To Thagirion, “the replacement of Tiphereth, the sphere of the vitalising Sun, with a place holding Belphegor, the lord of dead, is most striking”.

    Harab Serapel: Ravens of the Burning of God

    “Netzach is the openness of natural love. The Harab Serapel are the Ravens of Death who reject even their own. The outer form is Theumiel, 'The Fouled Substance of God'”.

    Baal: Lord and Tubal Cain: Maker of Sharp Weapons

    To Harab Serapel, “Baal is attributed, and is "a word which means Lord, much as Adonai means Lord. The word Baal or 'Bel' has become restricted in its usage to signify a 'Lord of Darkness'.” Also attributed is Tubal Cain.

    Samael: The Desolation of God, or The Left Hand

    “Hod is the complex working of the will of the Absolute. Samael represents the barren desolation of a fallen and failed creation. The outer form is Theuniel, 'The filthy Wailing Ones of God'.”

    Adrammelech: Powerful King

    To Samael, Adrammelech is attributed. “This name is found in Fourth Kings: XVII, 29-31: ' And the men of Babylon made Succoth-benoth, and the men of Cuth made Nergal, and the men of Hamath made Ashima, and the Avvites made Nibhaz and Tartak, and the Sepharvites burnt their children in the fire to Adrammelech and Anammelech, the gods of Sepharvaim.”

    Gamaliel: Polluted of God

    “Yesod is the place of the final forms that become matter in Malkuth. The Gamaliel are the Misshapen and polluted images that produce vile results. The outer form is the order of Ogiel, 'those Who Flee from God'.”

    Lilith: Night Specter

    To Gamaliel, Lilith is attributed and “is the grand lady of all demons. The demons are sometimes considered to be the children of Lilith and is said to be the woman who comes to men in their dreams.”

    Nehemoth: Whisperers (or Night Specter)

    “These are responsible for frightening sounds in strange places. They excite the mind and cause strange desires.” This corresponds with Malkuth as well.

    Naamah: Pleasant

    Naamah “is traditionally a demon and the sister of Lilith, possibly a remembrance of the Egyptian Nephthys and Isis. It is conceivable that Nehema is the same as Naamah, the sister of Tubal Cain.

      February 10, 2020 4:57 PM MST