Discussion » Questions » Outside the Mug » Apart from a wrong life-partner, if applicable, which major life choice do you regret? What would you rather have opted for in retrospect?

Apart from a wrong life-partner, if applicable, which major life choice do you regret? What would you rather have opted for in retrospect?


Posted - September 11, 2016


  • .


    I have the right one whom I love very much.  
    A real looker who is sweet as sugar...usually. :  )   :  )

      September 11, 2016 9:33 AM MDT

  • Funny how you take life partner out of the equation right from the get go.
    I'd have to say field of study.

      September 11, 2016 9:42 AM MDT

  • 3934
      September 11, 2016 9:53 AM MDT

  • No it isn't funny. I was afraid wrong partner would have been the most common response. Hence the elimination.

    What was your field of study, and what should you have chosen instead? 

      September 11, 2016 9:54 AM MDT

  •   September 11, 2016 9:55 AM MDT
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    If you are talking to me, that isn't very nice.  He and I know we are life-partners.

      September 11, 2016 9:56 AM MDT
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    hahahahahahah that was such a good funny movie.  So dramatic today!  hehe  :  )

      September 11, 2016 9:58 AM MDT

  •   September 11, 2016 10:05 AM MDT

  • I wished I had pursued a STEM degree. Of course I don't even think the acronym STEM was invented yet, or at least not popular.

      September 11, 2016 10:07 AM MDT

  • Instead of ?

      September 11, 2016 10:09 AM MDT

  • 44524

    I would have not started smoking and drinking.

      September 11, 2016 11:52 AM MDT

  • Ok it isn't.

      September 11, 2016 11:55 AM MDT

  • 3375

    I wish I had had my children with the man I am married to today.  

      September 11, 2016 12:39 PM MDT

  • 3523

    No regrets.  I've made some bad choices, but fate or providence (depending on your perspective) took over and made bad choices work out well.

      September 11, 2016 2:31 PM MDT

  • 3523

    No regrets.  I've made some bad choices, but fate or providence (depending on your perspective) took over and made bad choices work out well.

      September 11, 2016 2:32 PM MDT

  • 53343
    After I had served my first six years in the Marine Corps, had gotten married, had fathered my first child, my stepfather asked me out of mere curiosity why I had not attended college immediately after high school, as opposed to enlisting. He said that if I had wanted to join the Marines, I could have done so as an officer instead of an enlisted man simply by starting with college. I was flummoxed by his question and statement. My response was that coming from a poor family, I knew there was no money for college when I was 18. He flummoxed me again by saying that if I had asked him at that time, he would have paid for college.
    [Background: he and my mother divorced after 10 years of a bad marriage when I was 14. Their breakup was one of those rough ones, and their relationship since had always been extremely difficult. I did not have a close relationship with him at all. Even though my mother was dirt poor, especially so after the divorce, he was quite wealthy. He had neither remarried nor fathered any other children after the divorce, so his sole biological child is my younger sibling, someone he spoiled constantly while ignoring me and my other siblings who were not his children. I had no inkling that it would have been proper to ask him to pay my tuition.]
    So there I was, mid-20s, married father and enlisted man in the middle of a military career. Not the station in life to drop everything (or anything) and begin college, even if the missed offer was sincere or even if it still stood.

    Missed opportunity.
      September 11, 2016 3:00 PM MDT

  • 53343
      September 11, 2016 3:00 PM MDT

  • I'm happy for you, I think you have misunderstood my response.

      September 11, 2016 5:32 PM MDT

  • But have you stopped now?

      September 12, 2016 10:30 PM MDT

  • I wish I was married and had children. Oh well, one takes life as it comes.

      September 12, 2016 10:30 PM MDT

  • Well, lucky you!

      September 12, 2016 10:31 PM MDT

  • All I can say is: "C'est la vie."

    And I'm glad  you've taken it so philosophically.

      September 12, 2016 10:32 PM MDT

  • 44524


      September 14, 2016 7:12 AM MDT