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Thought it was WAY WEIRD before? Now guess what?

The hapless witless rudyg has allegedly been in touch with Paul Manafort (serving a 7-year sentence in prison) through his attorneys because his new goal is to prove Russia had nothing to do with any election meddling. It was Ukraine!

Now how that explains all the meetings with all the RUSSIANS some of whom are in jail I do no know. These folks leaves lots of loose strings as they barrel on through from one conspiracy theory to another.

What comes next will be even wonkier wackier nerdier dirtier creepier. I promise! Well odds are things will get a lot worse so my promise is based on that happening. If it doesn't I withdraw my promise in perpetuity forever after till eternity freezes over and the blue cows jumps over the aqua moon in June as it spoons a tune..

Posted - October 3, 2019


  • 46117
    Is this a bad movie written by a paranoid schizophrenic?

    You cannot make this up.  

    Mike Pompous just mentions after the fact that he was listening IN to the conversation.

    Now Mayor Rudy is trying to pretend we are talking about something else.  He keeps doing this. NO I DID IT. NO I DID NOT DO IT. YES OF COURSE I DID IT.

    Now he is so deranged he just jumps to another part of history.  ?????  

    LOCK HIM UP IN A PADDED CELL.  This is what is running this country.  And calling for the  Whistle Blower to DIE FOR TREASON.  TRUMP and RUDY.  NUTS BEYOND MEASURE.

    democrats Rudy Giuliani suddenly scared startled - 6752326912
    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at October 4, 2019 1:57 AM MDT
      October 3, 2019 9:10 AM MDT

  • 113301
    If this were a MOVIE script the author would be laughed out of every office in every motion picture company and every TV studio for being so absurd no one would believe it would ever happen. There are rules you know even in extremely lousy crappy bad movies that are based on fantasy imagination and WORST-CASE SCENARIOS. There has to be some underlying TRUTH. Some point. Some message that is of value even if it is  to serve only as an evil example. But this? SERIOUSLY? Breaking every law rule precedent and having no one there to stop you? Corrupting everything you touch and all the while having people love you believe in you support you and lose their souls for you? No way! SIGH. Thank you for your reply Sharon and the graphic. How did these people ever survive in life? Has there always been this vast underbelly of terror hate and wackadoodle conspiracy theory crackpots? Where the he** did they all come from? How many of them are there? What's gonna happen today that is the wackadoodliest yet? I duno. But I guess we're gonna find out. AT LAST. They are all running scared and so they are all beginning to throw one another under the bus. Happy Friday!  Hold on tight!  Buckle up!  We've only just begun! :) This post was edited by RosieG at October 4, 2019 2:05 AM MDT
      October 4, 2019 2:03 AM MDT