The U.K. PM will be out of a job real soon. Why doesn't the tumbleweed hire him to be his chief of staff?
The mick isn't gonna stick around for long. Boris would welcome the job and well he**'s bells the tumbleweed has always spoken so highly of Boris a transatlantic marriage made in heaven?
Anything for you sweetie! If it makes ya happy we can work on it from this end. Don't you think the Boris and the tumbleweed were born to be together? Thank you for your reply Addb and Happy Sunday to thee! :)
We are all led by fools that are there only to think of the wealthy and their own pockets, do we see any world leaders doing anything to clean our oceans and not creating even more single use plastic waste . Its free to pollute as much as you want as long as the high ups name money.... No one wants to pay for the clean up though....
Every country D? Corrupt rises to the top and takes control? How sad is that? So d'ya think Boris would be a great fit in the tumbleweed gubment? Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday.
This post was edited by RosieG at October 20, 2019 7:16 AM MDT
Yes I do think that mostly....There must be some government in the world that try to help its people .... Why do leaders need to be so wealthy....what has wealth and greed to doe with common sense... Money and power destroy all thoughts of normality in most people it feels.... Sir David Attenborough should be someone every leader needs to aspire to,save the world and live in harmony with it ,not to keep on rapeing it for the sake of lining their own pockets.... Regrets and common sense will prevail when it's to late to change things back to where they were before....
It isn't just "wealthy" D. It is OBSCENELY wealthy. Billions is what they have and billions more is what they lust for. Apparently if you play your cards right you too can be a BILLIONAIRE many times over. Since money has never been my carrot there is no way I can relate to them. They are a foreign species to me. Like an amoeba or bacteria or mold or virus or crocodile or elephant or black widown spider or watersnake. I cannot relate in any way. All billionaires adore one another. That is a fact. More than anything they admire money. The more they have the prouder they are and the more important and successful they feel. Too bad it isn't limited to books or movies. These people are in real life bigger than life and they propagate like rabbits. I don't know how many loathsome billionaires there are. Now not ALL of them are loathsome. A few here and there give back do good are good. It's the corrupt criminals treasonous traitorsI detest. Thank you for your thoughtful reply D.
Yes, he's a morally bankrupt opportunist . . . but that may not be a bad thing. Teresa May and David Cameron had no beliefs or ideology other than slashing public spending, destroying social housing and going to war on disabled benefit recipients. Boris Johnson has no beliefs or ideology, period.
Better to have someone in 10 Downing Street who has no principles than someone who has bad principles!