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Where do you resort when your life feels its going nowhere ?

Thats kinda what im feeling currently

Posted - October 19, 2019


  • 6098
    You start helping others rather than just thinking of yourself. 
      October 19, 2019 8:02 PM MDT

  • 4624
    The last time this happened to me was after Mum died.
    My entire life had been consumed with looking after her day and night for 18 months.
    When she died there was a sudden vacuum in my life, no job, no purpose. I became very depressed.

    I kept my life ticking over by doing chores around home and volunteering in the community (mostly Landcare).

    In the meantime, I was writing a lot.
    Somehow, one day, I realised writing was my best path.
    As an older age woman with few job prospects, it's an occupation in which age and experience is an advantage.
    It had been recommended by vocational guidance tests three times, each 20 years apart.
    It didn't cost much in equipment.
    There were many ways to learn and improve.
    It could become a path to making a living if I became skilled enough and chose the right themes.
    It was a means by which I could potentially achieve something worthwhile and perhaps do some good.

    I've been at it for a fair few years now, and the feedback from other writers is very encouraging.

    In your situation, I'd ask, what am I feeling stuck about?
    Do I need to leave home and rent a flat (or a room in a share house with other young people) not far from my job?
    Do I need a hobby that gets me out and about meeting people?
    Do I need exercise - because it helps to clear away depression?
      October 20, 2019 1:03 AM MDT

  • 5450
    You're asking tough questions tonight.  I'll take a stab at answering them even though I'm not very good at serious stuff but I'll try.

    I enjoy life but I know people who've felt like their lives were going absolutely nowhere kind of like being all by themselves in a car stuck in mud in the middle of nowhere without cell service so I can only tell you how they handled it, good or bad.

    First of all there was my brother.  Don't be like him.  He had all of the same complaints about life as you did in the questions you just posted.  He committed suicide when he was 24.  If you do that your family will never forgive you.

    My husband also felt that way in the past.  He found religion.  The Christians and atheists here are probably really going to hate this but the religion he found was witchcraft but you know what?  It works for him.  When he began studying magick everything just more or less seemed to start falling in place for him.  My husband's theory as to why it seems to work is because there's a lot of ritual involved in it so he believes that gave him some discipline which he didn't have before that.   I'm not recommending witchcraft unless it's something you were already thinking about but I am recommending finding something that works for you.  You probably already have an idea of what will work for you but you're the only person who can find what works for you.
      October 20, 2019 1:41 AM MDT

  • 5391

    When one purpose is lost, or ended, it is worthwhile to find another. Get out and do something productive, even if it is small, ideally something you enjoy  

    There is an old adage that says no matter how bad your world may seem, you need not go far to find another who has it worse. 

    Cherish life. Make someone else smile. Change your venue. Take in some fresh air. Your life is what you make it, or merely what you allow it to be. 

      October 20, 2019 6:52 AM MDT

  • 46117
    I would first of all make sure my medication was really working and if not, get some help.  
      October 20, 2019 6:58 AM MDT

  • 1305
    You have to have a few eggs in your basket in life in case you lose one.  I turn to faith (I don't go to church) and turning to faith also means for me arguing with it sometimes in tough times, to helping others, and mixing with friends and family, getting out into the woodland, oh and gardening getting your hands in the soil makes you feel grounded, and planting and seeing things grow is rewarding, I don't tend to think about anything else in the garden and it teaches you a lot about life.  Every person needs something that is beneficial to them that they can absorb themselves in, and the only way to do that is to try different things. This post was edited by kjames at October 20, 2019 7:27 AM MDT
      October 20, 2019 7:26 AM MDT