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Discussion » Questions » Legal » If i go to USA as a tourist, can i shoot automatic guns in a shooting club ?

If i go to USA as a tourist, can i shoot automatic guns in a shooting club ?

I always wanted to be able to shoot guns, and here in canada its a complicate matter.

Posted - October 26, 2019


  • 17653
      October 26, 2019 6:13 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Sure. Come on over.  (bring your meds with)
      October 26, 2019 6:14 PM MDT

  • 3523
    Sure, you know how in other countries they play paintball?  Here we issue you an M-4 and send you to the South Chicago for fun.
      October 26, 2019 7:21 PM MDT

  • 5450
    You would have to go to a skeet or clay shooting range.  They usually have rental guns you can use and they also have lessons but if you want to shoot an automatic gun that just isn't going to happen.  If you really want to learn how to shoot it would probably just be easier for you to just get a gun license in your own country unless there's something in your past that stops you from getting one.
      October 27, 2019 2:14 AM MDT

  • 35005
    You can use a gun at a shooting range. But will not be allowed to purchase a gun because you are not a US citizen. 
    Not many have a automatic. You would have to research to find a range that has one and find out the requirements to use it.
      February 24, 2020 6:33 AM MST