Bonus Peeve #11. Failing to make a left turn or taking so long to do it that the light turns red
10. Failing to make a right turn or taking forever to do it when it is legal to do so and traffic conditions allow for it
9. Driving with a child or a dog on their laps
8. Blocking a lane or road when they are looking for an address, picking up or dropping off, or even worse, stopping to talk to someone else
7. Speeding to get to a red light or a stop sign
6. Slowing down in front of me just because they see a police car, especially when the officer is on the side of the road and busy doing something else
5. Being on their cell phones and not paying attention to traffic
4. Playing their sound system much too loudly (please note that I didn’t say “playing their music”; usually not anything fit to be called music)
3. Cutting me off
2. Throwing trash out of their car windows
1. Tailgating