Discussion»Questions»answerMug Members» From now on moderators if you want to change my posts you could at least discuss it with me first. Understood? How rude.
Angry is when you want to give someone a high five ...to the face ...with a chair. Annoyed is when you just want people to disappear for a few hours but no chairs to the face.
Helpful Hint: If you use a swivel chair to give someone a high five to the face it will rotate in circles and give them 2 or 3 high fives to the face. Cheers!
I don't think a post should EVER be changed by anyone other than the person who posted it. Category........I don't care about that at all......does anyone care about category? I asked that my comments not be changed; remove them if they are not suitable but don't change my words. That is beyond rude!
Yes. Some question/statements maybe changed (moderated via removal or edit). But that is not the topic of this question. This question is about particular post was orginally posted as a statement and was moved (not edited in any way) to the statements category. The OP then edited it themselve by adding a question at the end of their original statement and then moved to the proper question category. I realize you and some others do not use the categories at all. But there are other users who do use them. So we do move them to the proper category when needed.
This post was edited by my2cents at November 16, 2019 12:23 AM MST
Why does it make a difference whether something is a statement or a category? They are both posted to elicit discussions.
This post was edited by SpunkySenior at November 16, 2019 12:23 AM MST
Statement vs Question used to matter to people a whole lot, particularly former ABers. When EP closed, we had a deluge of statements being made and it upset the general population. Instead of deleting them, which had been the protocol prior, we created a section for statements and just started moving them there.
I don't think it's too much for people to distinguish between a question and a statement and put them on their respective stages. I prefer that they be separated. We get enough nonsense posts as it is.
This post was edited by Thriftymaid at November 16, 2019 12:23 AM MST