It would depend.
Can a 73-yr-old obese dementia sufferer actually find time to, do “the most or best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies, and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses”;
(Nobel Peace Prize criteria)
ALL while also doing what we know REALLY keeps him up at night:
- lashing out obsessively at every personal affront from the ever-growing list of foes, both real and imagined;
- endlessly Tweeting dysfunctional brain leakage to keep his base at heel;
-working to isolate his country from its allies, his administration from the law, and himself from reality; AND
-spending every other conscious moment craving affirmation, advancing his vanity and exaggerating his achievements (also both real and imagined) ?
Personally, I have seen no evidence to support that possibility.