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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "Truth is stranger than fiction."We could have imaginated a dementia don. What could we never have imaginated in a zillion years?

"Truth is stranger than fiction."We could have imaginated a dementia don. What could we never have imaginated in a zillion years?

The extent to which the dementia don adoring worshippers would go to protect him defend him support him adore him lie for him deny for him attack for him insult for him sell their dignity and honor and integrity and souls for him.

It is unimaginable so this truth is far stranger than the bar scene in Star Wars. Creepier uglier stranger peculiarly bizarrer and queerer.

Posted - November 20, 2019


  • 2706
    To what extent are the haters of President Trump willing to go to remove him from office? To what extent will their caustic and cancerous hatred carry them in their concentrated effort to try to destroy Trump and this Constitutional Republic? To what lengths are they willing to go to install and to protect the fascist/socialist/communistic type of government they worship and hold so dear and close to their hearts? To what extent is anyone willing to go to heap hatred on someone, on anyone else just for the sake of hatred and just because they can? And all under the protection of the 1st Amendment. An Amendment that they embrace only when it suits them but an Amendment they hate almost as much as the 2nd Amendment.

    Have the haters and attackers of President Trump showed even a semblance of dignity, honor, and integrity in their daily verbal assault on President Trump? The thing is though, hatred isn't a political problem, it's a heart problem and it's this horrible self-centered hatred that's killing this country.  
      November 20, 2019 6:08 AM MST