Being open to any kind of answers, I am looking forward to yours. I never ate turkey before I came from Germany to the U.S in 1984. I grew to like it - just a little bit, but my hubby does not eat it. Would you eat a goose roast, which is our traditional dinner for Christmas? I love it !!!
The most commonly told version of traditional Thanksgiving is largely untrue, and I can have a wonderful roast anytime. As far as I’m concerned, I have never met any pilgrims, don’t share the beliefs of the ones I have heard of, and the native Americans have been getting screwed by European immigrants and their progeny for 400 years. I doubt they share the same view of the holiday.
...and I can’t say enough how overrated turkey is.
So that whole traditional narrative, for my purposes, is essentially irrelevant.
It’s about spending an unencumbered day being duly grateful for another year in this all-too-brief existence, together with people who matter most in our lives, enjoying good eats and great company, making memories and living our own traditions, now, in THIS time.
I find I don’t need retreaded 17th century iconography for any of that.
Glad you liked it.
Listen, I didn’t say turkey isn’t good, it is; or even that I don’t enjoy eating it, I do; but that it is overrated as THE official entree of Thanksgiving.