It's very popular with millennials. So I guess I'm no exception because I love it. It's just good. All you need is avocado, red pepper flakes, and salt.
Hi Stu~ :) :) You are someone. The best you. Nobody could ever do it as good as you .:) :)
This post was edited by Merlin at November 24, 2019 12:39 PM MST
You're write. I'm wrong. Please do take note. I'm jumping on and off here because I would much rather be here than doing the dishes and laundry. I don't have time to pay too much attention. My heart is here but my fingers are elsewhere and mind... well, let's not EVEN go there! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! :):) Right? Right! ;) ;)
This post was edited by Merlin at November 24, 2019 4:28 PM MST
I think it's because avocado became its own hero. You can find avocado in your lotions, your shampoos, your conditioners, and many beauty products. Please add $2.50 to any restaurant item when avocado is included. Granted, the vitamins and minerals in avocados are very good for your skin and body. They are high in potassium, folate, and lutein (skin and hair stuff.) They are high in the B vitamins which helps you to fight diseases and infections. I'm sure there are many more I'm not familiar with but you get the idea. Then, you have the downfalls of avocados. Any way you slice them, they are expensive. Even in California, where they are grown, they are expensive. They are also very high in fat. It is a good fat but still, they are fattening! Adding to the fattening and expensive side of the avocado is their consistency. They don't have any "umph" in my mouth. I also find them bland. It's just a personal thing, but, it took me a while to get over the fattening and consistency part of their composition.
With that being said, you've got the chef-upswing to the situation. :) When you put it on rye toast, it throws an interest to the taste buds. You immediately have a variety of textures in your mouth and a sense of bitterness from the bread. The blandness of the avocado is a welcome additive.
I think it has been around for years. Someone just decided to draw attention to it and have Jennifer Aniston enjoy a bite every now again. Taa Daa. You've got a "newly found" hit from California. Add it to your menu and charge a bunch of money. I'm sure the avocado farmers are pleased.
I rarely think to make it but when I do, I like it very much.
I do add lemon or red pepper, as well. Sometimes, I go out on a limb and even add lettuce!
This post was edited by Merlin at November 24, 2019 4:21 PM MST