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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Four decades ago Carl Sagan said on his show COSMOS "We are made of star stuff". Not moon stuff or sun stuff or planet stuff. Why?

Four decades ago Carl Sagan said on his show COSMOS "We are made of star stuff". Not moon stuff or sun stuff or planet stuff. Why?

How does all that stuff in the sky differ?

Star stuff
Moon stuff
Planet stuff
Sun stuff

Black hole stuff

How does all that stuff differ from one another, each other?

If we are made of star stuff why don't we twinkle?

Posted - November 25, 2019


  • 46117
    I'm just going with STAR meaining Uinverse and out there stuff.   I am lazy and probably pretty right.  The SUN is a STAR. For starters.  The moon is rock from exploding stars and we have yet to define all that a black hole is besides a vaccuum of scary intensity and proportion.  So most of those choices you gave, save the black hole, are made from stars.

    Now here  is the researched, copied/pasted and intelligent answer from experts:

    We Are Made of Star-Stuff

    Carl Sagan? Albert Durrant Watson? Doris Lessing? Harlow Shapley? Vincent Cronin? Ancient Serbian Proverb? William E. Barton? Anonymous?

    Dear Quote Investigator: The chemical elements of life such as carbon, magnesium, and calcium were originally created in the interior furnaces of stars and then released by stellar explosions. This fact can be expressed with a beautiful poetic resonance. Here are three examples:

    We are made of star-stuff.
    Our bodies are made of star-stuff.
    There are pieces of star within us all.

    I think the well-known astronomer and science communicator Carl Sagan said this. Would you please trace this expression? Was Sagan the first person to say this?

    Quote Investigator: In 1973 Carl Sagan published “The Cosmic Connection: An Extraterrestrial Perspective” which included the following passage. Boldface has been added here and below: 1

    Our Sun is a second- or third-generation star. All of the rocky and metallic material we stand on, the iron in our blood, the calcium in our teeth, the carbon in our genes were produced billions of years ago in the interior of a red giant star. We are made of star-stuff.

    Sagan was an important locus for the dissemination of this expression; however, it has a long history. An interesting precursor appeared in a North Carolina newspaper in 1913. A columnist pointed out that the Sun and Earth were made of star-stuff. This implied that humans were also made of star-stuff, but this was not directly stated: 2

    The spectroscope analyzes the light if you please, and shows what it is made of. What was the surprise of the tireless searchers when they found common earth metals burning in the mighty sun!

    There was once a little girl who cried out with joy when she realized for one little moment that the earth is truly a heavenly body, and that no matter what is happening to us we are really living right up among the stars. The sun is made of “star stuff, and the earth is made of the same material, put together with a difference.

    In 1918 the President of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada delivered a speech with the phrase “our bodies are made of star-stuff”, and he seemed to be reaching for a quasi-spiritual interpretation for this fact: 3

    It is true that a first thoughtful glimpse of the immeasurable universe is liable rather to discourage us with a sense of our own insignificance. But astronomy is wholesome even in this, and helps to clear the way to a realization that as our bodies are an integral part of the great physical universe, so through them are manifested laws and forces that take rank with the highest manifestation of Cosmic Being.

    Thus we come to see that if our bodies are made of star-stuff,—and there is nothing else, says the spectroscope, to make them of—the loftier qualities of our being are just as necessarily constituents of that universal substance out of which are made

    “Whatever gods there be.”

    We are made of universal and divine ingredients, and the study of the stars will not let us escape a wholesome and final knowledge of the fact.

    Here are additional selected citations in chronological order.

    In 1921 a newspaper in Michigan introduced a new columnist with an advertisement that highlighted a version of the adage: 4

    We’re All Made of Dust—
    But It’s Star Dust!

    Some comfort in that, says Dr. William E. Barton, the new contributor to The Evening News.

    Astronomers know how to tell what sort of stuff those stars are made of—and how one bright speck up there in the sky lacks something other stars have.

    Odd, though, that human beings have in their makeup about ALL the different elements of ALL those stars.

    You’ll be interested in this, as Dr. Barton tells it—and in his comment, putting new zest in life for every human that’s made of star-stuff.

    In 1929 the New York Times printed an article titled “The Star Stuff That Is Man” on the first page of the magazine section. The astronomer Harlow Shapley, director of Harvard College Observatory, was interviewed and stated the following: 5

    We are made of the same stuff as the stars, so when we study astronomy we are in a way only investigating our remote ancestry and our place in the universe of star stuff. Our very bodies consist of the same chemical elements found in the most distant nebulae, and our activities are guided by the same universal rules.

    The last statement of the article was also used as a caption for the illustration depicting a human figure with a backdrop of planets and galaxies:

    We Are Made of Star Stuff and Are Part of a Magnificent Creation.

    In 1971 the Nobel Laureate Doris Lessing touched on this theme in her novel “Briefing for a Descent into Hell”: 6

    No one knows what has existed and has vanished beyond recovery, evidence for the number of times Man has understood and has forgotten again that his mind and flesh and life and movements are made of star stuff, sun stuff, planet stuff; …

    In 1973 Carl Sagan published a book with the following statement as noted previously in this article:

    We are made of star-stuff.

    In 1978 “The Seven Mysteries of Life” by Guy Murchie was published. The book stated that “Most of the matter in the universe in fact is now known to pass at some time through the caldron of the stars.” Murchie included an intriguing adage that he labeled an “ancient Serbian proverb”. QI does not currently have adequate research tools for determining the age of this proverb: 7

    When you can really grasp the universality of such relationships you have gained a new insight into the ancient Serbian proverb: “Be humble for you are made of dung. Be noble for you are made of stars.

    In 1980 the landmark science series “Cosmos: A Personal Voyage” was televised, and Carl Sagan was the host and a co-writer. The first episode was titled “The Shores of the Cosmic Ocean”, and it included the following words spoken by Sagan: 8

    The surface of the Earth is the shore of the cosmic ocean. On this shore we’ve learned most of what we know. Recently, we’ve waded a little way out, maybe ankle-deep, and the water seems inviting. Some part of our being knows this is where we came from. We long to return, and we can because the cosmos is also within us. We’re made of star stuff. We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.

    In 1981 the writer Vincent Cronin published “The View from Planet Earth”, and it included a version of the adage: 9

    Our bodies contain three grams of iron, three grams of bright, silver-white magnesium, and smaller amounts of manganese and copper. Proportionate to size, they are among the weightiest atoms in our bodies, and they come from the same source, a long-ago star. There are pieces of star within us all.

    In 2006 the well-known skeptic Michael Shermer credited Sagan with the saying: 10

    How can we connect to this vast cosmos? Sagan’s answer is both spiritually scientific and scientifically spiritual; “The cosmos is within us. We are made of star stuff,” he said, referring to the stellar origins of the chemical elements of life, which are cooked in the interiors of stars, then released in supernova explosions into interstellar space where they condense into a new solar system with planets, some of which have life that is composed of this star stuff.

    In conclusion, Carl Sagan did employ a version of this saying by 1973. But the expression was in circulation decades before this. The astronomer Albert Durrant Watson used a version in a speech in 1918. In 1973 an interesting thematically related proverb appeared in a book together with the claim that the words were ancient. But the proverb’s accurate age is currently not known to QI.

    (Special thanks to Joseph M. Moreno who inquired about the quotation credited to Vincent Cronin. Also, special thanks to Lim Pin who asked about the proverb categorized as Serbian.)

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 26, 2019 3:41 AM MST
      November 25, 2019 11:07 AM MST

  • 46117
    Twinkie Dink, our Answer Mugger on here?  He does twinkle. He will be very happy to express how much to you anytime.  
      November 25, 2019 11:16 AM MST

  • 113301
    Until he does I have no knowledge of the existence of such a one. Thank you for your reply.
      November 26, 2019 1:57 AM MST

  • 6023
    It's a purely ego-boost saying.

    It would be more accurate to say that we are made of the same stuff as stars ... but that does not make us made of star stuff.

    Stars and people share some of the same elements - but that doesn't mean the elements in us came from stars.
    The elements existed before stars were formed.

      November 25, 2019 3:23 PM MST

  • 46117
    Our Sun is a second- or third-generation star. All of the rocky and metallic material we stand on, the iron in our blood, the calcium in our teeth, the carbon in our genes were produced billions of years ago in the interior of a red giant star. We are made of star-stuff.

    Carl Sagan.  I think he is right.  
      November 25, 2019 3:25 PM MST

  • 46117
    Dance with me....

      November 25, 2019 3:27 PM MST

  • 113301
    Sorry Walt and apologies but if we are made of the same stuff as stars then we ARE MADE OF STAR STUFF.

    I see no difference but you do so could you 'splain yourself Lucy? Please? I loved it. Very poetic and memorable. At the age of 12 my son wanted to go to Cornell and become a physicist because of Cosmos and Carl Sagan. I did too and still do and in my next lifetime if I am smart enough I hope I will peruse that.

    You are splitting hairs and I don't know why and it still does not compute. I have no doubt you are very smart and very knowledgeable Walt. This one I think you blew. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday to you! :) This post was edited by RosieG at November 27, 2019 3:09 AM MST
      November 26, 2019 1:59 AM MST

  • 6023
    Think of it this way, then.

    Many cars use the same size bolt for engine mounts.
    Say a Ford Mustang uses the same size bolt as a Dodge Charger.
    That does not mean the Dodge Charger is "Made Ford Tough".  (Or "made of Ford stuff")

    It merely means they share some of the same basic parts ("elements", if you will).

      November 26, 2019 7:21 AM MST

  • 113301
    Geez Walt thank you for hanging in. You did it again! You clarified something I didn't understand. I get it now and I thank you. I seriously appreciate that you do take the extra time to help me understand. I don't know why some things are harder for me to grasp than others. Merci gracias danke schoen. And Happy Tuesday to you too! :) This post was edited by RosieG at November 26, 2019 7:44 AM MST
      November 26, 2019 7:43 AM MST

  • 44720
    I believe what Sagan said when a child asked him "Are we in the milky way?" is "We are the milky way.". If one looks at the spectral lines of the sun, all of the elements needed for life are in it and then some. The elements above iron can only be formed under incredible pressure and heat. I won't go into the details of that as it would bore you to sleep. The only place that can create them is a supernova. As Sharon alluded, ours is a second or third generation star. (Please ask more science questions.) This post was edited by Element 99 at November 26, 2019 3:41 AM MST
      November 25, 2019 5:38 PM MST

  • 113301
    That made be true. I don't recall his saying that. I do recall his saying WE ARE MADE OF STAR STUFF. Thank you for your reply E and Happy Tuesday to thee.
      November 26, 2019 2:01 AM MST

  • 16961
    All heavy elements are forged in the cores of dying stars. Only hydrogen and helium are found in first generation stars - the presence of metal is evidence of a star off the main sequence fusing helium into heavier elements.
      November 26, 2019 2:02 AM MST

  • 44720
    This is a small section of the solar spectrum. There is more than H and He in it.

    This post was edited by Element 99 at November 26, 2019 5:17 AM MST
      November 26, 2019 3:57 AM MST

  • 14795
    What salt of scales contain Sodium....and can I disolve this discussion please.......:) 
      November 26, 2019 5:19 AM MST

  • 16961
    The Sun isn't first generation. A lot of the material in Sol (all of the heavy stuff) was created when Tiamat went supernova.
      November 27, 2019 12:32 AM MST

  • 44720
    I already mentioned it was second or third generation above. I forgot to mention the supernova. Thanks.
      November 27, 2019 7:08 AM MST

  • 13277
    Actually, the sun is a star. A bit off-topic, but I remember meeting Professor Sagan in college - I worked in a faculty cafeteria called the Rathskeller one semester and used to serve him lunch. Seemingly down-to-earth and gracious to all he met. Died much too young (62) from cancer. I was a history major, so I never crossed paths with him in the classroom, but one of my classmate friends was an astronomy major and studied with him. Tom F. went on to earn his doctorate at University of Arizona, where he is now a professor of astronomy.
      November 26, 2019 3:56 AM MST

  • 14795
    Ahhhh ,just another Star gazzer I take it.....Advertizers always say "Watch this Space" Now we know why....:)
      November 26, 2019 5:16 AM MST

  • 14795
    From the tinniest of seeds the the mightiest of all things are born....from dinosaurs of yesteryear the the huge blue whales that still just exist on this planet Rosie.....
    Do not all such planets begin their life that way....The only unknown is where did all this stuff come from and where is it all expanding into. ......
    What is there on the othere side of nothing ,but for something that read double in reverse..... Gnihton :( 
      November 26, 2019 5:13 AM MST