Germs wouldn't know what to do in this body. If you eat nothing but raw, unprocessed, orgainc food? You don't GET the flu. So simple. Try it. It works.
IF I HAD TO GET SICK? I WOULD NEVER TOUCH THAT GHETTO REMEDY. NO WONDER YOU ARE DYING. I tried to post Chris Rock's bit on Robitussin. You are taking medicine from the 1960's. No one uses that stuff anymore. IF YOU CONTINUE TO EAT AND DO WHAT YOU NORMALLY DO, YOU WILL NEVER STOP GETTING COLDS AND FLU.
NEVER. Listen to me. I can make you pain-free in this department and the cost is just so easy its like giving up your hamburger. If you think eating that way is worth this? It is your body telling you that something is not normal and it is not healthy.
I eat crappy and I don't get sick. You can get organically grown earthworms imported from Canada at a local bait store. Do you cook anything? If so, that is processing it.
You gotta be KIDDING ME. YOU DON'T GET SICK? You are in denial. You are in chronic pain. Sure that is not the flu. But you are not the picture of glowing health. Not by a long shot, so maybe you need to change a few things around. You will feel better for sure. I love to taunt people who hate it, with health food and sing-songy lectures. It's my annoying bag.
Oh my GOD not you too. Read Fit for Life at least. That was about food combining. It is the doorway. At least he introduces the idea of 75% water-based foods. That is a huge breakthrough in eating habits that most people can follow.