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Are there problems with the Constitution? Is there anything in there we need to change?

Posted - December 1, 2019


  • 44752
    Holy crap...that guy looks just like Steve Irwin.
      December 2, 2019 3:20 PM MST

  • The 14th could use some reworking to make it fit the times in a logical sense.
      December 1, 2019 4:57 PM MST

  • 1152
      December 1, 2019 5:59 PM MST

  • Yes really.  Being a natural born citizen to non-citizen parents makes zero sense.
      December 1, 2019 8:34 PM MST

  • 1152
    Raiding chicken processing plants in Mississippi to arrest the hundreds of illegal immigrants who work there, but letting the managers and owners of the plants (who benefited from their labor) off scot-free makes zero sense as well. But I'm just a cockatoo with a bad attitude, so what do I know?
      December 1, 2019 8:42 PM MST

  • 35032
    The owners should be arrested as well. 
      December 2, 2019 12:23 PM MST

  • 1152
    And yet they were not. Curious how that works.

    (Actually, it's not curious. It makes absolutely perfect sense. What is is curious is the consistent failure of voters to notice this is happening)
      December 2, 2019 7:42 PM MST

  • That doesn't argue the point.  Its off-topic.
      December 3, 2019 2:56 AM MST

  • 17657
    No.  No. 

    The only thing in my opinion is term limits for the House of Reps and Senate.  I wouldn't say it "needs" to be changed but I believe the original founders did not envision people spending their careers in Congress.  After term after term they become so out of touch with the average people that they can't imagine how to represent us.....because they are no longer us.
      December 1, 2019 7:24 PM MST

  • 1152
    A couple of comments.

    We have term limits for legislators. They are called "elections." Now, if you have complaints about how the power of incumbency, the excessive role of money, gerrymandering, voter suppression, and other such things adversely affect elections, we would find many area of agreement. But term limits do not fix these problems.

    It is also curious that no rational bird person would ask to have neurosurgery performed by someone fresh out of medical school, or have their car repaired by someone who just learned which end of a wrench does what. Yet many express the wish that our politicians be perpetual novices. Deducing why this logical inconsistency occurs is left as an exercise for the reader. This post was edited by SaltyPebble at December 2, 2019 7:32 PM MST
      December 1, 2019 8:28 PM MST

  • 17657
    Elections are not term limits.  Term limits do fix the problems which are of concern to me. 
      December 1, 2019 9:49 PM MST

  • 46117
    Ms. Thrifty, ask yourself WHY do people treat The Constitution like it is some sacred TOME written in STONE that cannot be changed ever?  It is old white men from the 17th Century, for godsakes.
      December 2, 2019 3:04 PM MST

  • 44752
    (18th century)
      December 2, 2019 3:22 PM MST

  • 46117
    They were born in the 17th.  OLD WHITE MEN.  
      December 2, 2019 3:23 PM MST

  • 46117
    Now, if you will just answer the question and not worry about what I have not complained about, we can get someplace.  

      December 2, 2019 3:24 PM MST

  • In the sense that this is just more political clickbait in a freak show that's already worn thin, my thought is: Who cares?

    To the extent this may involve serious historical and social questions, my answer is : Yes. Lots.

      December 1, 2019 8:37 PM MST

  • 46117
    Obviously a lot of people care.  The fact that you don't is a luxury you can afford because of people that DO care.  
      December 2, 2019 3:06 PM MST

  • 1152
    In reference to your phrase, "...a freak show that's already worn thin"

    You wound me, madam. You wound me.
      December 1, 2019 8:50 PM MST

  • It's for your own good. 

      December 2, 2019 3:05 AM MST

  • 1152
    We cockatoos do not deal well with medical procedures....
      December 2, 2019 8:15 AM MST

  • 46117
    I don't speak that way.  So, I have no idea what you are referring to.  Your umbrage is misdirected, madam.  
      December 2, 2019 8:19 AM MST

  • 1152

    My reply was supposed to attach to Loon Lips comment, not the base question.

    I guess I was being thumb-beaked....
      December 2, 2019 2:35 PM MST

  • 46117
    Now it makes sense, and your beak is adjusted.
      December 2, 2019 3:07 PM MST

  • 4624
    I've enjoyed reading the answers to this question more than any other here on the Mug.
    It's given me a taste of the level of US citizen's education about their own constitution and the variety of differing opinions.
    I hope there will be more answers coming.
      December 2, 2019 11:25 AM MST

  • 7280
      December 2, 2019 1:20 PM MST