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Do you tell short Tall stories and can you elaborate a bit more if you do... :)

Posted - December 5, 2019


  • 13395
    I went to London to visit the Queen 
    At Buckingham Palace 
    That was how I found out 
    Her name is Alice. 
      December 6, 2019 2:12 AM MST

  • 10026
    That is fantastic Kittigate!  I love it! :) :)
      December 6, 2019 8:04 AM MST

  • 182
    Could that be a faint memory, or a plagiarisation of:
    They're changing guards at Buckingham Palace,
    Christopher Robin went down with Alice.
    Alice is marrying one of the guards,
    A soldier's life is terribly hard
    . . . . . . . .  .  .  .  .  .  . says Alice.

    (sung to the tune of 'They're changing guards at Buckingham Palace')
      August 19, 2020 7:42 AM MDT

  • 10026
    Before I get into telling you a short Tall story, I have to go make a pot of Tea.  O.k., it's gurgling now which means it's almost done.  There it goes.  It just gave it's last splunge and spit.  O.k. I'm almost ready to tell my short Tall story.
    You know, I already have a bad writing habit.  I have a tendency to babble on and on.  I'll try not to do that and elaborate too much on the short Tall story you have requested.

    There once was a very tall man named Tall Story. He was born to Matilda and Shorty Story.  His name suited him well because he was as tall as a 4-story building.  Finding suits was not easy for him.  Luckily, he had a friend on the 3rd story who was a tailor. Not wanting to wanting to go into a 2nd or 3rd story, this is where this story ends.  Tall did find a suit and lived happily ever after.  The end. This post was edited by Merlin at December 6, 2019 9:00 AM MST
      December 6, 2019 8:18 AM MST

  • 13395
    Veree good! 
      December 6, 2019 9:00 AM MST