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Discussion » Questions » Television and Movies » In movies, it seems like the good guys win and the bad guys lose all the time. Can you think of one where the bad guys win?

In movies, it seems like the good guys win and the bad guys lose all the time. Can you think of one where the bad guys win?


Posted - December 6, 2019


  • 35077
    Marvel Advengers Infinity War.

    Basic Instinct
      December 6, 2019 1:36 PM MST

  • 44765
    I was thinking about the Avenger one, but I didn't want to put it in my question. In a warped way, what he did made sense.
      December 6, 2019 2:12 PM MST

  • 35077
    We just watched it recently and were not happy. 
    And the next not did not make it all better.
      December 6, 2019 3:35 PM MST

  • 46117
    Actually, I think they left that ending to make a Basic Instinct 2.  

    But great answer.
      December 6, 2019 2:40 PM MST

  • 926

    Manos: The Hands of Fate (1966)

      December 6, 2019 1:51 PM MST

  • 1152
    I think the original poster specified a movie, not a steam pile of dreck....

    (Yes, I've seen the Mystery Science Theater 3000 version of Manos)
      December 6, 2019 4:08 PM MST

  • 46117
    OCTOBER 13, 2019 10:15PM ET

    Gruesome Video of Fake Trump Killing Media in Mass Shooting Played at One of His Resorts

    A doctored video depicts the president murdering his enemies, including CNN, Sen. John McCain and activist group Black Lives Matter

    President Donald Trump

    Evan Vucci/AP/Shutterstock

    At a time when our nation is facing an epidemic of mass shootings, supporters of President Donald Trump, at a conference held at one of the president’s resorts, showed a violent depiction of a fake Trump massacring members of the news media using a gun and other weapons, The New York Times reported Sunday night.

    American Priority, a group that supports the president, hosted the conference at Trump National Doral Miami. Former White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the president’s son Donald Trump Jr., and Florida Gov. Rick DeSantis were all scheduled to speak at the event. But Huckabee Sanders and a source close to Trump Jr. denied either saw the video.

    Bloomberg technology reporter William Turton surfaced a video matching the description from the Times on YouTube. The video appears to have been uploaded by YouTube account TheGeekzTeam in July 2018, and the account has posted other videos doctored to give the impression that Trump is violently killing his enemies. Although Turton said he has not yet been able to confirm the YouTube video was the same one played at the conference, the details in the video as described by the Times line up, although portions like the Barack Obama interview at the end of the video were not reported to have been shown.


      December 6, 2019 2:12 PM MST

  • 44765
    Real movie please.
      December 6, 2019 2:13 PM MST

  • 46117
    There are plenty of movies about Trump.

    The Devil's Advocate
    Dumb and Dumber
    Scum and Scumer

      December 6, 2019 2:17 PM MST

  • 5391

    ‘The Godfather‘
    (of course Don Barzini would include this one)

    ‘The Empire Strikes Back’

    ‘Noah’ (the flood movie): Noah saves a pair of each “kind” + 7 humans; the Vengeful God kills everything else. 

      December 6, 2019 4:00 PM MST

  • 1152
    Dr. Strangelove.

      December 6, 2019 4:10 PM MST

  • 14795
    Any film containing religious content where God or its disciples ,butcher their enemies to force them to change or take up religion/religions    :( 
      December 6, 2019 6:00 PM MST

  • 10052
    One of my favorite movies ever. But maybe this one's a draw... Both Javier and Tommy Lee are still standing in the end. 
      December 6, 2019 9:13 PM MST

  • 1305
    The Usual Suspects (I love the line up scene).  
    The Stepford Wives.

      December 7, 2019 12:04 PM MST