Why don't old questions from years ago ever show up?
We always get a fresh stream of timely questions. What about the older ones that might have wisdom we all need to hear from time to time? Should be have a section for them only?
I've never seen or been in a "While" ? Where can I go for a While if I only have few moments to get there . Ive heard you can take a While to answer.....does that mean Whiles are perhaps some kind of hallucinognic drug ?
Whiles are myths...only to be explored by men named Ahab or Jonas. Have you been imbibing again, dotter? I have. But...as usual...I love you. you can't get rid of me.
The way this website is set up, only the most recently posted material is available for readily accessible viewing, as more posts are added, the older (Golden) ones get shunted away to some obscure corner somewhere. Hey, wait . . .
No, seriously, I would prefer an option to align posts in ascending or descending order, or even better, by number of responses. That way, I could select all questions with zero answers, and knock them off to my heart‘s content.