These days we routinely bring people 'back from the dead'. It is called CPR, restarting the heart and getting it to pump blood to the brain again.
Then again, as a consequence of that the criteria for death have changed. It used to be "No breath and no heartbeat". Now it is "no activity in the brain". So we are not really bringing them back from the dead. By the new definition they never actually died.
EEK!! Both sound frightening.
We've been bringing people back from the dead for a while. We've gotten so good at it, we have to look more closely at what "dead" really means. To me, it must be the point at which revival is not possible. But that point is not necessarily fixed.
Cloning doesn't seem too scary, if it's thought of as just another technology-assisted form of reproduction. If people want to raise clones for "spare parts", that's another story. I don't know that it can ever be ethical to do so.
None both cloning and bringing back from the dead are advances in science.
Like one is less frightening? They are both horrid to contemplate.
cloning dont frighten me, i already feel like i have one anyways since im an identical twin