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What’s the most regrettable decision you’ve ever made about buying or not buying a particular piece of real estate? ~

  When we were house-hunting over two decades ago, and after looking at at least two dozen different ones, both my wife and I each had our fall-in-love-favorite houses, but alas, financial realities left us to settle on settling into the tiny abode we have now. Since those two houses that we had missed out on were within a few short miles away, we would sometimes pass by them as we went about our normal routines.
  Weeks after closing the deal on our house, we still dealt with a small dose of buyer’s remorse as we saw other people moving into our intended dream homes. I sometimes wondered what it would have been like to live in the house I wanted, I imagined commuting to and from its location, saw myself tending the garden or cutting the grass, puttering around ing chores, enjoying the backyard barbecues, I surmised what the interaction with the neighbors would have been like, etc. Little by little, those pangs dissipated, and  soon disappeared completely.


Posted - December 23, 2019


  • 13395
    When I joined the Navy and was based in Halifax NS 1966 I decided to look at some properties for sale. Was a one acre waterfront lot for $1000 I had a look at about 15 .Iles outside the city I thought it looked terrible,  very steep and rocky down to the waters edge. "Nah" I decided ,  I'd never be able to do anything with this.My mistake because a few years later there was a lot of development starting to happen in that area. 
    Waterfront property!
      December 23, 2019 9:44 PM MST

  • 17658
    I have no regrets even though I believe I am not going to use the lot I bought on the NW Pacific coast.  I am thinking about selling it  in the Spring.  
      December 24, 2019 1:21 AM MST