Reflections, what kind of reflections?! What is the right path anyway?! Hmm.
The only way to be sure is to follow the path to the end, and then decide that that is where you wanted to arrive ;-))
Often it is, but sometimes it is not. Too bad, try again.
A great Yogi said it all: "When you come to a fork in the road...take it."
Doesn't will still get to somewhere. Life is a mystery. By the way...Yogi Berra said that.
"You're always on the right path ... until you ask somebody else for their opinion."
Always be a little bit kinder than you need to be. It's not a solution, but it's a fairly good place to start..
You follow your gut. IF it is burning in nausea, that is the wrong path
Why would you think you're on the wrong path?
Because somebody else told you so.
Sorry I couldn't help you.
Our best is all we can ever do. :)
probably by trying to figure out what the right path is