I know you are a big militia hero. I think I have need of heroism as well, being in a country taken over by a facist government with half the country fighting in a civil war and the other half Trump is marching to our doom.
So, of course, I am not going to war. That doesn't give me license to breathe and live my life.
We have been in a war with Iran since 78 or so. It has been a war of proxies done in the shadows. All we did was take out one of the Bad Guys who has been responsible for a lot of harm. We also sent a clear message to Khomeni to stand down.
there is so much in that part of the world which you do not comprehend, which is a shame. In short Iran would lose in a symmetrical Battle in a short while. The War Powers Act is all which is needed, Iran would not last 30 days. It will never happen however.
I have traveled that part of the world, been Deployed there, and a whole lot more. It is not your California and probably never will be. It took the Catholic Church 600 years to break Europe of the Clan and Tribe system. It will never happen in that part of the World, ever. Consequently we must understand their culture and deal with it on their terms - Not Western Terms.
I do wish I still had your innicence. Have a good week, do like some of your posts
This post was edited by Archerchef at January 7, 2020 2:20 PM MST
We have no business whatsover in the middle east. That includws the moment the US along with their British lapdogs illegally overthrew the legitimate goverment of a sovereign country (Iran) in the 1950s and placed a rightwing buther puppet in power so the west could keep the USSR in check and more importantly, to gain access to vast ammounts of oil. The true terrorist is the US