Maybe he has to attend a drinking party later on. The Greek people drink Olive Oil before those happenings. The French eat full-fat cheese before a party. When I still lived in Germany, I followed suit by doing similar things. Fat is the best basis for drinking everyone under the table, so to speak, at least to survive those parties in a dignified manner.
It is just "folk wisdom". I am not a chemist, but I know that fat diminishes the impact of alcohol - of a good complete meal beforehand - for sure. I am rather thinking of still going upright to reach the taxi instead of falling asleep at the bar. I never had heartburn anyway, because the drinks I ever had where pure distilled alcohol. The sugar in the mixed drinks seems to be the reason for gut problems.
I can not think of one thing that meets the criteria you outlined, but I do enjoy a piece of raw, lean Hamburg; salted and peppered. I've been doing it all my life and it has never made me sick. My stomach and digestive track possess supernatural qualities. You would be amazed at what I have swallowed.
This post was edited by Jon at January 12, 2020 5:26 PM MST
The only healthy way to eat beef is not to eat it at all.
You may think you are healthy but you would be a lot healthier without it.
Meat Can Cause Heart Disease in Humans
Carnivorous animals in the wild virtually NEVER develop heart disease or suffer from strokes—ailments that humans can suffer an increased risk of developing due to their consumption of the saturated fat and cholesterol found in meat.
This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at January 12, 2020 6:06 PM MST
I eat butter, bacon, eggs and 4% milk almost daily, and my cholesterol is right from the book. Carnivorous animals eat raw meat, therefore the never suffer. Humans suffer because the eat all the food full of chemicals. Par example: I do not eat Instant oats, I cook the real ones. I do not go to restaurants, I cook myself. BTW - my best loved meat is pork butt or shoulder with the skin, cooked in a covered dutch oven in an oven. With onions and pepper and Himalayan Salt - - out of this world, the fatter the better. Do you know that most heart diseases are related to dried up arteries who seldom get nourished by fat? It is called Arteriosclerosis. Just google it. Especially older people should keep their arteries well nourished.
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at January 13, 2020 11:23 AM MST
I'm guilty of the peanut butter, too. Pickles, sweet or dill. It doesn't matter. I like all types of cucumbers. Peppers. Black olives. Those are in a can not a jar. Green olives, too. Fake whipped cream. That comes in a can. ;) :)
I agree with pickles and olives, but I disagree with the fake whipped cream. I already gag when I think of it. It always has to be the real "healthy" food. My health concideration looks much different than the one of most doctors. The best proof is my health. I take two small tablets per day my doctor thinks I have to take, but I really know I do not need. One of these days I will skip those too. I am 84 and have the next dr's appointment in one year.