4-year-old Jade De Lucia is now blind and almost died from weeks-long struggle with the flu. Her mom got her a flu shot the prior March but did not know she needed another shot in the fall to protect against the upcoming flu season. Flu can lead to complications which can cause what Jade went through. FYI. Very tragic what can happen when we put off doing what we should do.
I think they should be prosecuted.
The problem MAY (I emphasize MAY) not be the vaccine that causes the problem, but how they’re administered. Some doctors give out lump vaccines (especially to very young children). Sometimes this can cause a child to have reactions, as their bodies can’t tolerate it. Even my cat can’t have more than one shot per day. A parent may assume that a reaction is due to a vaccine when it’s actually a reaction to having too many shots at once (even doctors may misdiagnose this). Then they tell their friends what happened, who in turn tell their friends, and so on. Many people simply believe what they’re told instead of looking into it first (much like Celiac disease where many people think they are allergic to gluten when in reality only 5-6% actually do). Thus, misinformation spreads. Soon we have anti-vaxxers (non-religious ones). This leads to very sick or dead children and diseases, which were thought to be wiped out, resurfacing and turning into epidemics - where people of all ages suffer.
Child obesity can be caused to the fact that non-nutritious foods are cheaper than nutritious ones. If one is trying to stretch their food dollar, they will buy as cheaply as they can (even my parents did this). Look in an average store circular. Note that there are more non-nutritious items than there are nutritious ones. Most “quick” foods (not fast foods) aren’t good for a person (read the labels). Then there’s the convince of fast foods (sure beats cooking a meal after having to work two jobs just to pay the rent). Ordering a pizza is quick and easy, but it isn’t nutritious. In the last store I worked for, candy sales made up 7% of the total daily sales. 7% per day! That’s a LOT of sugar! Granted adults eat candy too, but still…