Who am I to buck an American tradition of pointing fingers at others
Or how about "well it's just human nature". Those are the people who think we cannot evolve. To think that way is to devolve no matter what rung of hell you are perching on.
I do not really understand this whole thing.
For me, I was not born in America so for me it is very easy to say "our adventure?" But is not as easy for anyone else? Nobody today to speak was alive at that time. It is history. Does history need excuses? Black people long ago were wronged in America, and Indian people long ago were wronged by britishers, but that is history. So that is my perspective. Where problems exist today of course we should look for solutions but that something happened very long ago is not a problem of today.
Hello again, IT:
I think the events of TODAY are very much related to events of yesteryear.. You don't. Ok.
You learn from past mistakes and then move on. dwelling on the past will only ruin any good you could nave done now and in the future. No one owes anyone a thing what was done in the past.
I am honest when I don't understand this.
What is the relation between today and the past, what is it that matters?
My family was wronged by the british long ago but I do no hold any hard feelings to someone born in britain long after that. I do not think there is responsibility of them for how my life is today. It is history. Longer ago I am sure my family wronged someone else but that is not something I share blame for. How can people justify using something that happened so long ago as a reason for blame or guilt in present day? That holds everyone back in the past.
Hello again, IT:
But, your family STOPPED being wronged a long time ago.. American black people are STILL suffering the wrongs of history. It's NEVER stopped. Oh, it's better, and they're NOT the same wrongs, but they're wrongs nonetheless..
There's news today of another unarmed black man being killed by the police in front of his children.. You may view that as simply police work. I do not.
I agree that my family stopped being wronged.My family has done well.
Brown people are wronged every day, by other brown people and by white people and by black people. There is no tie between that an historic wrongs. There is no tie between my family and other families simply because skin color is the same.
Where does the tie come to be realized? I will say a black person will face much more racism in a brown country even if black slavery did not exist there. I do not think slavery is the origin of racism and I do not understand the tie. A man is not killed by the police because slavery once existed. When a person is killed wrongly that is today, that is not history.
Nah, I would quote the Bible and prove it was OK. Some people still do that :(