You can’t brainwash someone who doesn’t buy into everything that is presented in the media. I think for myself and form my own opinions and know that you can’t trust everything you see.
This post was edited by Lady Ondine at February 1, 2020 8:06 PM MST
It's made me keenly aware that media is constantly trying to mold my mind!
For example: I was watching something the other day and there was a bit about a Super Bowl ad featuring a dog that has undergone cancer treatment. WeatherTech is the company, and their ad will feature a link where people can make donations to the vet school where the dog receives cancer treatment.
This sort of ad is doing a double play on human emotions with the use of a cute dog AND cancer! And, we're being led to think that the ad is less about touting their products and more about getting donations to the vet school.
I'm not buying it. I learned about the use of imaging and how it's used to influence my emotions (and therefore purchasing power) years ago. I don't appreciate being manipulated.