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Discussion » Questions » Politics » Robby Mook, Hillary's campaign manager is appearing on Morning Joe. He can't seem to answer simple policy questions, and Morning Joe is FRIENDLY territory too.. Can we start over??

Robby Mook, Hillary's campaign manager is appearing on Morning Joe. He can't seem to answer simple policy questions, and Morning Joe is FRIENDLY territory too.. Can we start over??


Posted - September 21, 2016


  • 34961
    I seen that. Joe asked why was he even there if he can't answer a simple question.
      September 24, 2016 6:14 AM MDT

  • 503

    Mook is a mook  ???

      September 24, 2016 6:21 AM MDT

  • 137

    All around, politics is one big disappointment. I don't want to see Hillary's tax records, or hear about her mishandled emails, or listen to her late-arriving excuses for her swath of past mis-steps and lies. I just want see what we would never be allowed to in a 1000 years - her psychiatric assessment. I want to know whether she is a true and deep-rooted sociopath, and all her quietly dismissed psychiatrists say so too, or whether she just displays all the symptoms and hallmarks of it, but has a cunningly crafted catalogue of very good reasons why we should disregard those signs and the psychiatric conclusion that goes with them, and if we know what's good for us, totally forget about it.  

    Mark your 'X' on a card, or hit the 'Think carefully before you screw us all' button, and democracy ends right there. From then on it horribly morphs into a license for politicians, their lackeys and bum-lickers, and an assortment of sleazy pressure groups, to push the boundaries of self-interest as far as they dare - the vociferously expressed outrage of the vast majority of citizens at such an action, notwithstanding. If the people become too uppity and demanding, send in hordes of heavily armed and armoured police and the neo-militia to protect and serve them, and serve them right too!


      September 24, 2016 6:54 AM MDT