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Random Statements » Discussions » It seems like the universe is so big that nothing in it matters.

It seems like the universe is so big that nothing in it matters.

I mean, nothing that ever happens matters in the end.

  • End of what?
    Posted August 5, 2016
  • of life

    Posted August 5, 2016
  • Yeah. I had a near death experience long time ago and one sensation I felt was like I was 'coming home' from the temporary existence of the world.
    Posted August 5, 2016
  • It's all about perspective.

    Listen to Carl Sagan;

    Posted August 17, 2016
  • What about what matters to you right now? That's all you can ever deal with as a person. Sure, the big perspective can make you feel small, but it doesn't actually change anything. But if it does make you feel like you want to do more, maybe try volunteer work? They say it's very fulfilling.
    Posted August 20, 2016
  • Even if the Multiverse is real, you still live in one Universe within it.
    Posted August 20, 2016
  • Perhaps you meant, nothing that happens at this end of the universe matters at the other end? I could almost sign on to that, almost.

    Posted September 22, 2016
  • What you say is the truth-nothing really matters-but humans make such a big deal over things-humans make things have meaning. In the end we all die.Nothing matters. "Life is just a party/ And parties weren't meant to last..."

    Posted September 22, 2016