Posted by
Marguerite, the Beloved November 9, 2016 -
Filed in
Life & Society
#Election 2016
The election of 2016 is over. For that, I am grateful. America is waking up to a new day and a new president-elect. The shock is that, that man is Donald Trump. It is difficult even to write this blog. How does a person handle shock? The first thing is a thought of non-belief. We say, "That can't be!" We don't cry or react in any way because we are in shock. Soon we will get very angry and frustrated that this is happening. Next we will realize it is true, and we will feel very sad and will weep like we lost a loved one. We will have to then begin to heal ourselves by participating more in the system. We have brought the ugliest part of what ails America. America didn't vote for a demagogue for no reason. It was having problems. It found relief in the person of Donald Trump. We do not know if Trump really meant everything he said. America was changing. Trump just got in front of a movement, but it was already happening. It had started with the Occupy Wallstreet. Then other happenings started to occur. the media had a role in the change. Noam Chomsky says the media manufactures consent. It created a narrative for the presidential campaigns that started the election cycle a year or longer before the usual time. It was fueled by the desire to spike ratings and make money. Yes, the emails were in the narrative for Hillary. It was no accident they never went away. Well, you know the rest of the story, as you have gone through it with me. I hope to write more about this later.