Category: Quizzes.What power does your personality give you? Find your secret ability! On request first of a round of quizzes. Take part if you like quizzes. Leave if not. If you d... moreCategory: Quizzes.What power does your personality give you? Find your secret ability! On request first of a round of quizzes. Take part if you like quizzes. Leave if not. If you do, add your results and descriptions in the comments below. Enjoy!Link: What's Your Secret Power?Me: Nature PowersYou are the insightful one, and you are always questioning and exploring things. You love to learn new things and have a little fun. You're very kind to everything around you, and you're curious.
Category: Silly Questions.Original posted video was too sexual fro the main room. You can find it in the AdultMug if you want to see it. Link: moreCategory: Silly Questions.Original posted video was too sexual fro the main room. You can find it in the AdultMug if you want to see it. Link:
Category: Quizzes.Do you ever find yourself wondering if your girlfriend truly is THE ONE, or are you wasting your time? Is your relationship headed toward the sound of wedding bel... moreCategory: Quizzes.Do you ever find yourself wondering if your girlfriend truly is THE ONE, or are you wasting your time? Is your relationship headed toward the sound of wedding bells or a rocky cliff named Splitsville? Take our quiz and find out. She’ll never know (unless you share your results…). Take part if you like quizzes, follow the usual drill... Add results and descriptions in the comments below. Meanwhile, enjoy! You can also take part if you don't have a girlfriend, it will have to cover for your coming girlfriend, the one on your mind. Aha aha...Link for quiz: Is your girlfriend “the one”?Me: WIFE HERShe sounds like she truly cares about you, and vice versa. Relationships are never perfect, but you seem to have the sturdy and necessary building blocks in place. She's a keeper!Yay! Now I just need to know who it will be. Easy peasy, right? less
Category: Silly Questions.Found this funny article on Made me think about what do's and don'ts I should be aware of on Valentine's Day when with my date. Ahem. Do y... moreCategory: Silly Questions.Found this funny article on Made me think about what do's and don'ts I should be aware of on Valentine's Day when with my date. Ahem. Do you have any do's and don'ts for me to be aware about?Do’s and Don’ts for A Very Sexy Valentine’s DayWell ladies, it is right around the corner. Cupid is putting on his adorable war paint and sharpening up his love arrows. Whether you have plans to take out your long term love or the new filly you’ve been seeing, Valentine’s Day can win you big props or totally get you dropped. Here are a few do’s and don’ts to help you out on this very romantic holiday.Do make it memorable. Do something outside of the box that she will never forget.Don’t do the same old thang you do every Friday. I know Red Lobster is delicious and a great time, but maybe the Olive Garden will have something you like even more than a Cheddar Bay Biscuit. You’ll never know if you don’t ... less