On 1908 Ernest Rutherford won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for being the first person to split the atom and for his theory of atomic structure. Of course if Rutherford hadn't... more On 1908 Ernest Rutherford won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for being the first person to split the atom and for his theory of atomic structure. Of course if Rutherford hadn't done it someone else might have.
I am really fond of plants and have recently been shopping and buying some for my new place. It doesn’t hurt to learn a little about them. Here is a pic of my newest. It&rsqu... moreI am really fond of plants and have recently been shopping and buying some for my new place. It doesn’t hurt to learn a little about them. Here is a pic of my newest. It’s called “olla gardening”. The olla is Spanish for pot, like a cooking pot.
Cow collagen is used in Moh's surgery. Moh was the one who invented the surgigal method decades ago. It is used for skin cancer surgeries to minimize scarring. I had Moh's surgery ... moreCow collagen is used in Moh's surgery. Moh was the one who invented the surgigal method decades ago. It is used for skin cancer surgeries to minimize scarring. I had Moh's surgery for basal cell carcinoma on my face a few month's ago and cow collage was used to fill in the space where the cancer was removed. There is a barely noticeable small scar. That's all.The first successful human organ transplant was performed by Dr. Joseph Murray in 1954. It was a kidney transplant between identical twins. That opened the door to what we have today.In 1995 Dr. Suzanne Ildstad transplanted baboon bone marrow into Jeff Getty who has AIDS . The baboon cells functioned for only two weeks but Getty is still alive today.The animal emerging as the most likely source of transplantable organs is the pig.The Brave New World is here m'dear. We are animals after all aren't we? I wonder if human organs can be used to save non-human animals one day? less
Per Dr. David Speigel, Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University, 25% of his patients could not be hypnotized. Long ago a friend tried to hypnotize me ... morePer Dr. David Speigel, Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University, 25% of his patients could not be hypnotized. Long ago a friend tried to hypnotize me and failed. Why are some folks more susceptible to giving up control and others not?
something to be rid of? At what point does continuation of a cyborg, for example but not limited to, does not have value over a completely engineered being?
Does fully automatic kill twice as many twice as fast as semi? Arithmetic or geometric progression? Are there double fully automatic weapons? Gun-ignorant folks wanna know these things.