BrainResearch throughAdvancingInnovativeTechnologiesTrying to understand how the brain works because we really don't know. Wouldn't it be good if we could?
Other-world scientists. We're just specimens in petri dishes controlled by others for whatever purposes they deem fit. They try this and that and test this and that and we react th... moreOther-world scientists. We're just specimens in petri dishes controlled by others for whatever purposes they deem fit. They try this and that and test this and that and we react thusly or don't. A giant lab since it was "born". Now IF IT WERE so then all of this petty irrelevant unimportant stuff we experience that causes us to hate or despair are thrust upon us by others just to see how we will react. We have no will or part in any of it. We are just there for the pleasure and use of others. How important are specimens? less
March 25, 2012 Explorer/Filmaker James Cameron descended into the Marianas Trench to a depth of 35,776 feet (6.77 miles)..the deepest ever dive in a solo sub. The descent took 2 ho... moreMarch 25, 2012 Explorer/Filmaker James Cameron descended into the Marianas Trench to a depth of 35,776 feet (6.77 miles)..the deepest ever dive in a solo sub. The descent took 2 hours 36 minutes and the ascent took about 70 minutes. In 2009 the Marianas Trench was established as a United States National Monument. I think the isolation and the unknown would be way too much to bear. Claustrophibia seems inescapable. Would you ever do something like that if you could?