At the unhinged news conference The Donald INSULTED an African American reporter. Was he aware of how out of line he was or was he completely oblivious to it? We know he is n... moreAt the unhinged news conference The Donald INSULTED an African American reporter. Was he aware of how out of line he was or was he completely oblivious to it? We know he is not sensitive at all. Maybe this was just another insensitive ignorant bumbling move on his part unbeknownst to him. I don't know. He is not a whole lot of good things though. Sadly.
Why do we think all Americans are angels with halos and all immigrants/refugees are dangerous and up to no good? People are not that easily defined/labeled/categorized. Many bada**... moreWhy do we think all Americans are angels with halos and all immigrants/refugees are dangerous and up to no good? People are not that easily defined/labeled/categorized. Many bada**es are Americans who commit crimes against one another. Many great people are immigrants/refugees and wouldn't hurt a fly. But we clump them in rigid bins and refuse to rethink our badthink because it is inconvenient. Thinking is hard work. It is so much easier to just accept what your political party tells you to think and move on. Isn't it? :( less