Personally I thought the ending of 2001 was grotesque. Some folks loved the entire movie. I probably despised it completely. When HAL turned on them I lost interest. I have read th... morePersonally I thought the ending of 2001 was grotesque. Some folks loved the entire movie. I probably despised it completely. When HAL turned on them I lost interest. I have read that some say they think it is a GREAT movie. Not my cuppa tea. Yours?Anyway 20,000 leagues under the sea with captain Nemo? I think I'd get clausttrophobic. Any one of the bazillion Twilight Zone Episodes?Rod Serling did not author all of them. He had writers who wrote some doozies.
Trillions billions millions?Does every society have conspiracy theories to drive it? Is that fuel or the oil?Do some have tons and some have few and some have none?Are the the peop... moreTrillions billions millions?Does every society have conspiracy theories to drive it? Is that fuel or the oil?Do some have tons and some have few and some have none?Are the the people with the tons less intelligent than those with the few or none" Is intelligence directly connected to the quantity of conspiracy theories one embraces? Or is it the other way around?Are there any POSITIVE conspiracy theories where people in concert work together to benefit good promulgate good support good? Or is conspiracy by its very nature bad awful evil destructive hateful? Inquiring minds wanna know these things. less
Are there other "lifeforms" far more intelligent thatn we and maybe a lot prettier/handsomer/kinder?I mean if homo sap is all there is that doesn't say much for all the possibiliti... moreAre there other "lifeforms" far more intelligent thatn we and maybe a lot prettier/handsomer/kinder?I mean if homo sap is all there is that doesn't say much for all the possibilities/potential.If homo sap is the best of the breed and there are many others out there that is even worse.So d'ya think homo sap is great..none greater or homo sap is pitiful pathetic and so far hasn't shown us any resistance for its survival?How many billions of years will it take for homo saps to become extinct or die out due to some extraordinary calamity? less
"Wait until you're old. What do you think you will think then"? Well probably not in those exact words but I did think it was a very peculiar thing to say being as how those of us ... more"Wait until you're old. What do you think you will think then"? Well probably not in those exact words but I did think it was a very peculiar thing to say being as how those of us who don't die young will die old.Are YOU young and do you mind being around OLD PEOPLE? Once again I remind you if you don't die you will die old. Scare you?
Well ya got ONLY one busybox. That is just one thing.Ya got investigations and they can go on forever. Just think about it. Easy forever make busywork.Investigate the investigation... moreWell ya got ONLY one busybox. That is just one thing.Ya got investigations and they can go on forever. Just think about it. Easy forever make busywork.Investigate the investigation that investigated the investigation that investigated the investigation that investigated the investigation that investigated the investigation that investigated the investigation that investigated the investigation and so on and etcetera and so forth. See the beauty and simplicity of it?From one initial investigation you can extrapolate BACKWARDS to infinity and beyond. Multiple decades generations of investigations investigating the investigations investigating the investigations......See the brilliance of it? Guess who invented endless investigating? Who else? The powers that be be the he who done done it. To infinity and beyond in perpetuity foreverafter to immortality in the outer edges of the universe through black holes and wormholes and time travel. No beginning no end no middle. Forever investigating the investigations that i... less
A few years ago before the powers that be was asked that question. He answered "a 35-year-old". I don't remember if he used an adjective like "handsome" or not but that was how he ... moreA few years ago before the powers that be was asked that question. He answered "a 35-year-old". I don't remember if he used an adjective like "handsome" or not but that was how he said he saw himself.So is it any wonder that old folks are bailing from supporting him? Old people are expendable in his view. He is not among them of course.Delusion illusion joking serious. A kaleidoscope constantly changing configuration. A moving target is less likely to get hit. Keep moving adjusting backtracking attacking.
An IG has one job. MAKE CERTAIN things are being done according to the law.Now you'd think normal logical sensible reasonable cogent people would support that. They do.The powers t... moreAn IG has one job. MAKE CERTAIN things are being done according to the law.Now you'd think normal logical sensible reasonable cogent people would support that. They do.The powers that be, being none of those things, fires their a**es. Even the ones he hired. No one tells him what to do. No one investigates what other people do that he wants to get away with whatever they can. No one gets in the way of the powers that be and survives.So he hires and fires and hires and fires and hires and fires. Makes busy work for himself because otherwise what would he do with all his time? Hires and fires hires and fires hires and fires hires and fires. Busybee busybox busyboy busybody busyizzy? Doing what? Hires and fires hies and fires hires and fires hires and fires. Take two pills and call me in the morning if the headache hasn't gone away. Sure. Why not? What could it hurt? What do you have to lose? Everyone says so. That I can tell you.. less