Aye! There's the rub. OF WHAT? Well lads and lassies that you will have to determine for yourselves.We cannot constantly spoon-feed you. You have to take the spoon and feed yoursel... moreAye! There's the rub. OF WHAT? Well lads and lassies that you will have to determine for yourselves.We cannot constantly spoon-feed you. You have to take the spoon and feed yourselves. What you feed on is also up to you. Do fine dine or feed on dreck because your tastebuds have gone to heck?
You still believe the virus never happened and it was all a Dem hoax to make the powers that be look real bad.You don't believe anyone died from it contacted it because it doesn't ... moreYou still believe the virus never happened and it was all a Dem hoax to make the powers that be look real bad.You don't believe anyone died from it contacted it because it doesn't exist. Sure people have died but from other things. Another hoax folkes just to make the powers that be seem to be a liar a fool an incompetent an idiot. Right?So numbers are meaningless since they represent a DEM fantasy and you will continue to ignore them and follow through with everything the powers that be tells you to do.Inject Chlorox in your bodyTake Hydrochlorox tablets because the deadly side effects are all bogus and non-existentGather together in dense situations of hordes and mobs of other likeminded ilk without masks or gloves or distancing. Do what the powers that be do. NOTHINGIgnore all the hype. it isn't really happening. Hook up with the powers that be and only follow his tweets. You cannot rely on FAUX news with a Neil Cavuto infecting the place with lies. FAUX is not what it used to be BUT the powers that be is exa... less
Investigations without conclusive ends have no useful purpose except to waste time and money and energy and attention in a place where no point to it is ever enjoyed.Guilty a... moreInvestigations without conclusive ends have no useful purpose except to waste time and money and energy and attention in a place where no point to it is ever enjoyed.Guilty as charged! Temporary consequences that are reversed down the road. All for nothing. Wasting time is not among my favorite things. Reading the handwriting on the wall...being aware of the underlying goings on...being able to fill in the blanks...remember how all such "activities" ended before...ought to put brakes on investigations.What good is being IMPEACHED if you are still controlling everything? What good is being convicted of murder if you walk the streets doing whatever you wish without consequence.What is the point of doing anything when you know it will be reversed backtracked obsoleted extincted eliminated? An exercise in futility is not the kind of exercise I personally enjoy. YOU too?Those charged tried convicted imprisoned are freed. No doubt they would be. Over and over and over and over again. WHY BOTHER? less
Without compunction they drag their families and friends into their partisan political lives and don't give a rat's a** about what it could do to them only about getting to that go... moreWithout compunction they drag their families and friends into their partisan political lives and don't give a rat's a** about what it could do to them only about getting to that goal faster and faster and faster.How does that show love concern caring to USE people who love you so egeregoiusly gratuitously coldheartedly?The hallmark of a true pol. Use whatever you to get whatever you can as fast as you can.
I admit it. I've always been drawn to very smart people who are also modest and don't think they're such hot stuff. The combination of high intellect and modesty is addictive. Once... moreI admit it. I've always been drawn to very smart people who are also modest and don't think they're such hot stuff. The combination of high intellect and modesty is addictive. Once you've experienced/enjoyed it you really can't settle for less. I confess. Do you have anything you'd like to confess?
You can't have it both ways. You're in or you're out. You matter or you are irrelevant. Your actions control which is which. Always it has been thus and thus it will always be. You... moreYou can't have it both ways. You're in or you're out. You matter or you are irrelevant. Your actions control which is which. Always it has been thus and thus it will always be. You want to control a game YOU HAVE TO BE A PLAYER PARTICIPANT. DUH?