The faux ego prez shows up to speak and there had better be people sitting out there to listen to his ego speech about how great he is. OR HEADS WILL ROLL!
Forcing 1000 cadets to come back to West Point to be an audience for the egotistical faux prez is more than they are willing to tolerate.What happens now big mouth? You invited you... moreForcing 1000 cadets to come back to West Point to be an audience for the egotistical faux prez is more than they are willing to tolerate.What happens now big mouth? You invited yourself you can uninvite yourself. Jacka**!
He lives 24/7 in a state of confusion.The more he tries to distance himself from disinfectant injection the more the tapes are REPLAYED showing exactly what he said, to whom he sai... moreHe lives 24/7 in a state of confusion.The more he tries to distance himself from disinfectant injection the more the tapes are REPLAYED showing exactly what he said, to whom he said and the words he used. SOMBER SERIOUS not sarcastic.Confusion reigns o'er the land of the confused. More and more every day we get less and less that makes sense.GAG thinks he's got conned scammed. That's how confused he is. His senate sychophatns are scared of his sinking and fear he will sink them with him. Everyone is afraid now. More of GAG than anything including death.Oh what a web we weave when first we choose to deveiveNo one believes him about anything anywhere at any time. Oh sure the pretenders fake it and hoax it because he doesn't know the difference between a lie and a true. Bad on him good on you! less
She's the dame who dated a guy who beat his wife! Remember her? Another gorgeous army candy beauty like all the others GAG loves to gawk at. So what's Hopie baby gonna do? Hold his... moreShe's the dame who dated a guy who beat his wife! Remember her? Another gorgeous army candy beauty like all the others GAG loves to gawk at. So what's Hopie baby gonna do? Hold his hand. Rub his neck? Pat his butt? WHAT?
DJT is bored with the virus so he is switching his focus on the economy. Wise to surmise he realized he was out of his depth and DROWNING?What makes him think he will do a better j... moreDJT is bored with the virus so he is switching his focus on the economy. Wise to surmise he realized he was out of his depth and DROWNING?What makes him think he will do a better job on the economy. A president who declared bankrutpcy six times in his real life professional real estate life? Geez how great a comfort is that?
He jabberwocked and gibberished and blathered about the COVID 19 for weeks and weeks showing his abject stupidity and ignorance. Switcheroo because of the TERRIBLE BAD PRESS to som... moreHe jabberwocked and gibberished and blathered about the COVID 19 for weeks and weeks showing his abject stupidity and ignorance. Switcheroo because of the TERRIBLE BAD PRESS to something he thinks he is very good at but we all know he sucks bigly at. So the market dives. How many will die? See how much very much better it will be for children and all living things? Get him the he** OUT of making a fool of himself vis a vis life and death matters. For him death will always win. What does he know about life? less
Gag Pumpkina** does not appreciate being criticized corrected humiliated smacked down daily. OFF WITH THEIR HEADS as the Alice in Wonderland QUEEN said. The GAG PUMPKINA** is the q... moreGag Pumpkina** does not appreciate being criticized corrected humiliated smacked down daily. OFF WITH THEIR HEADS as the Alice in Wonderland QUEEN said. The GAG PUMPKINA** is the queen after all and so well what do you expect the himher to do? Take it?
So what will the spineless toothless gutless Republican eunuch sinator do about it? Kvetch and moan and groan and clench their fists and roll over lie down beg play dead? More of t... moreSo what will the spineless toothless gutless Republican eunuch sinator do about it? Kvetch and moan and groan and clench their fists and roll over lie down beg play dead? More of the same only louder? Or a change in them that gives them back the power they abrogated so they will finally DO THE JOB THEY ARE BEING PAID TO DO?So far all they are are a bunch of welfare bums with their hands out taking their salaries as they participate in the sabotaging of our country. So far so bad. More ol the same or something different? I dunno. I think they are all empty suits with empty brains. Do you think so too? less