Is sexing it up on beaches with booze worth leaving your children parentless? What price YOUR freedom? Your children? Do you even think of them in your hot to trot obsession? Where... moreIs sexing it up on beaches with booze worth leaving your children parentless? What price YOUR freedom? Your children? Do you even think of them in your hot to trot obsession? Where do they come in after you sate your frantic desires to take back your lives? How do they fit in your menu?You do have a PLAN B to fall back upon when your PLAN A backfires badly don't you? What is it?
In my WHAT IF world I will tell you how we would know. An infector (selfish greedy wantonly promiscuous babybrain) would have the word MURDERER appear on his/her forehead. Then on ... moreIn my WHAT IF world I will tell you how we would know. An infector (selfish greedy wantonly promiscuous babybrain) would have the word MURDERER appear on his/her forehead. Then on both arms. Then on both legs. MURDERER MURDERER MURDERER MURDERER MURDERER. That's how we'd know. Such vermin maggot roaches would be charged tried convicted and spend the rest of their lives in prison. A perfect solution to execution. You murder you die. No t'wixt and no t'ween. You want YOUR right to live your life as you please? You LOSE that right when you murder others. Simple. AN EYE FOR AN EYE except you don't die quickly and easily. You linger for years suffering. A small way to pay you back for all your selfish acts. In another world on a different plane in my imagination. Only fair. less
It is unlikely that all Christians follow the TEN COMMANDMENTS 24/7. They do when it suits them but otherwise they don't think about it. If church teachings conflict with partisan ... moreIt is unlikely that all Christians follow the TEN COMMANDMENTS 24/7. They do when it suits them but otherwise they don't think about it. If church teachings conflict with partisan politics the politics stays no question.You go to a restaurant with an extensive menu and choose select pick what you want to consume.In the restaurant of partisan politics you MUST consume everything on the menu all the time or you are outed and reviled and shunned and badmouthed. There is no choice. Everything or nothing. With me or against me. My way or the highway. No middleground.Odd that. The one area that is the cause of so much lying and hating and conniving and destroying is what the people hold as sacrosanct and perfect. No veering from the partisan party line. No choices. No thinking. No investigating. No researching. No deciding. All is laid out for you from A to Z and you'd better comply or else you're out.How swell to be a faithful devotee of a particular partisan politics. You know whom your friends are and you certainly... less
When was "good" or "evil" based on Republican or Democrat? When did integrity honor truth get pushed to the back of bus or kicked off the bus because your political gurus NOW are a... moreWhen was "good" or "evil" based on Republican or Democrat? When did integrity honor truth get pushed to the back of bus or kicked off the bus because your political gurus NOW are always put at the front? When did getting yours first and best become the only game in town? What happened to ideals based on what was good for the people and become a laughingstock mocked and ridiculed?When did telling the truth make truthtellers pariahs and telling lies make liars rich and famous and respected and admired and worshipped and adored? When did conscience disappear and why was it replaced by avarice viciousness and taking what you want because you want it?A dark dark world getting darker. Only some notice it. Many frolic about in it and cheer it and enjoy it.What has happened to us? less
The right of might?The right of sucker upperThe right of LIARThe right of a** butt kisserThe right of girly man GAG adoring worshipperThe right of red over blueThe right of me over... moreThe right of might?The right of sucker upperThe right of LIARThe right of a** butt kisserThe right of girly man GAG adoring worshipperThe right of red over blueThe right of me over you or oppositelyWhy is it always YOUR RIGHT that gets attended to first and MY right gets completely ignored? HOW IS ANY OF THAT RIGHT?
Why and how is it fair if the PRO lockdown folks get the virus from the anti lockdown folks who go out and about and spread the infection in every direction? That sucks.So mebbe th... moreWhy and how is it fair if the PRO lockdown folks get the virus from the anti lockdown folks who go out and about and spread the infection in every direction? That sucks.So mebbe the powers that be up high above will see to it that justice is served. That GAG and his gaggle and likeminded ilk are the only ones to get the virus. Now that would be miraculous! Do you believe in miracles?
He tweets LIBERATE to blue states to attack BLUE STATE governors.Adolescent prepubescent slow to grow mental midget.Best of allRepublican Governor of Maryland Larry Hogan said it i... moreHe tweets LIBERATE to blue states to attack BLUE STATE governors.Adolescent prepubescent slow to grow mental midget.Best of allRepublican Governor of Maryland Larry Hogan said it isn't helpful!So GAG will double down ten times to get back at him for sure. He can't not. That is all he is is greared up for. Loaded for bear for. Weaponized and ready to aim fire for. Pimply faced hormone driven slow to grow up adolescent. GAG.
Dam* straight your a**es will be sued up one side and down the other. You will be tracked and fracked and hacked and racked with shame when you see what evil you have wrought just ... moreDam* straight your a**es will be sued up one side and down the other. You will be tracked and fracked and hacked and racked with shame when you see what evil you have wrought just because you got antsy in the pansty and had to mingle butt to butt and head to head and shoulder to shoulder. Do it. Go ahead. See what happens. What could it hurt? GAG says so. GAG knows all.
What virus? What pandemic? What infections? What transmiissions? What deaths? Back off and bug off you party poops. We gonna party hearty. Go suck an egg or pound mud. Whatever you... moreWhat virus? What pandemic? What infections? What transmiissions? What deaths? Back off and bug off you party poops. We gonna party hearty. Go suck an egg or pound mud. Whatever you get off on. Leave us alone and we will come home wagging our tails behind us. isn't that what good little sheeple people do? Wag?
He attacks insults lies every day all day and not one of his gaggle says diddly sh**. But criticize him? HOW DARE YOU?See he is the one-way street to end al and be all. Whatever he... moreHe attacks insults lies every day all day and not one of his gaggle says diddly sh**. But criticize him? HOW DARE YOU?See he is the one-way street to end al and be all. Whatever he do/say be OKAY with his feathered gaggle. He can do no wrong. BUT YOU? To point out what GAG does/says? HOW DARE YOU? WHOM and WHO do you think you are to do tbat? Sheesh. Well y'all I DARE because I think one-way streets suck. So there. Dare you dare I? WHY?
He used to spending bazillions of bucks living a LAVISH lifestyle on our dime traveling hither and tither and yonder to his vast worldwide enterprises. Playing a little golf. Visit... moreHe used to spending bazillions of bucks living a LAVISH lifestyle on our dime traveling hither and tither and yonder to his vast worldwide enterprises. Playing a little golf. Visiting with world dignitaries. Getting lots and lots of face time on international TV. For weeks he is working a lounge act confined to his tiny D.C. home when he is used to working THE BIG ROOM.His world has become very small. He spends no money at all wining and dining and golfing and flying hither and yon. Don't you bleed for him even a little bit? Forced life he hates. He has to get out and get out soon or he will BURST! less