While you and me and thee and thee and others of our ilk think he is making a fool of himself every day we are not the ones he does it for. He does it for his base who otherwise wo... moreWhile you and me and thee and thee and others of our ilk think he is making a fool of himself every day we are not the ones he does it for. He does it for his base who otherwise would not hear his voice or see his face. He has to throw them some red meat or they will expire from starvation of what he dishes out. When things are back to normal and he can resume his hate rallies in every city of every red state he can stop the updates. Until then he is obligated to do them. So anyone who is criticizing him needs to back off and back down. less
Are you a good liddle boy and a good liddle girl always minding your p's and q's and always conforming to what others say you are allowed/disallowed to do? WHY do you allow other p... moreAre you a good liddle boy and a good liddle girl always minding your p's and q's and always conforming to what others say you are allowed/disallowed to do? WHY do you allow other people to configure what you say/do? Makes no sense to me to say what others approve of your saying rather than what YOU think. Crazy wackadoodles are always out there ordering a menu of what pertains to you and boy oh boy you'd better stick to that menu they created for you OR ELSE!Different strokes. It is what it is. Everyone says so! Freedom to speak as long as you approve. Otherwise stifle it. Sheesh. Dumb prevails and rises to the top no matter what. less
Who made YOU the arbiter of what is fit to say and not fit? Who made YOU boss of okay? By what logic do you find it endemic to your existence to order what other can so or do?
Only about around 1% of the peeps who live there have been tested. What you don't know can't humiliate/embarrass you. GAG loves ignorance. He delights in it and takes great pride i... moreOnly about around 1% of the peeps who live there have been tested. What you don't know can't humiliate/embarrass you. GAG loves ignorance. He delights in it and takes great pride in it.I never heard thatI don't know thatFirst time I heard thatNo one told me about thatEtcetera etcetera etcetera and so forthAh to be dumb again in spring again with birds on the wing got to sing again the swell melody
The Canadian Province of Nova Scotia suffered a rampage during which 16 people were SLAUGHTERED. Rare that.Condolences to all Canadians for the tragic loss of life.
He has said he is never to blame for anything. He is never responsible of accountable. He is so busy taking credit for what he was TOO STUPID TO DO IN TIMELY FASHION and for what h... moreHe has said he is never to blame for anything. He is never responsible of accountable. He is so busy taking credit for what he was TOO STUPID TO DO IN TIMELY FASHION and for what he didn't do he has no time to admit he blew blew blew blew blew. What would YOU do? The same as him of course. Assuming you are part of the GAG gaggle. If not well then that's a hearse of a different color. A horse is a horse of course of course. A nurse ain't a curse or terse or worse.GAG is a gawdawfulgorgonheadmonster.
A plethora of self consumes him. A wealth of self a gaggle of self an abundance of self self self self self.Is there anything else but self in the GAG world? Naught else matters bu... moreA plethora of self consumes him. A wealth of self a gaggle of self an abundance of self self self self self.Is there anything else but self in the GAG world? Naught else matters but SELF..GAG SELF gags us but nourishes him. He would eat himself if he could he is that nutritious delicious auspicious suspicious ambitious!If only it were possible.