The furiosity of the white house entertainer coupled with the seriosity of his adoring worshippers is a worldwide spectacle. They think they are performing wondrously well and are ... moreThe furiosity of the white house entertainer coupled with the seriosity of his adoring worshippers is a worldwide spectacle. They think they are performing wondrously well and are admired. In actuality it is the exact opposite.Self-aware they are not. Obtusely oblivious they are. A mass delusion or something darker?
An emotional aberration?It is illogical to adoringly worship the instrument of your destruction yet here we are having the white house entertainer base doing exactly that. Millions... moreAn emotional aberration?It is illogical to adoringly worship the instrument of your destruction yet here we are having the white house entertainer base doing exactly that. Millions of them.Millions of mental defects either believe they deserve to be badly treated or are unaware that's what they are enabling encouraging defending supporting. Illusory. Delusional.Mass hypnosis? How massive can it be? Millions of pigeons with the same mindset reacting in the same way despite the consequences. Moths to a flame? Certain "death"? It takes all kinds. Different strokes for different folks. Birds of a feather. When you lie down with dogs you get fleas. Make your bed and lie in it.SIGH. And the beat goes on. less
Not only did he "lose" his touch it is downright LETHAL. Uh oh! Trouble in paradise. The white house entertainer has pols doing flips but what he can't flip are THE PEOPLE. What's ... moreNot only did he "lose" his touch it is downright LETHAL. Uh oh! Trouble in paradise. The white house entertainer has pols doing flips but what he can't flip are THE PEOPLE. What's he gonna do now?
Two hours daily of white house entertainer gibberish bilge, pitches, lies and repetitions of segments of the Sean Hannity dog and pony show! What a great way for him to invest his ... moreTwo hours daily of white house entertainer gibberish bilge, pitches, lies and repetitions of segments of the Sean Hannity dog and pony show! What a great way for him to invest his time while people are dying around him. Sales pitch. Attack the enemy. Sales pitch. Pat on back. Attack the enemy. Pat on butt. Sales pitch. Attack the enemy. Sameoldsameold but y'all love every repetitious word. People are dying as he is is lying. Certain harmony to that. Can't quite put my finger on it though. SIGH.
He is and always has been full of himself. He is obese you know. 400 lbs and counting of soft white flesh that never sees the light of day vis a vis any exercise.This mound of fat ... moreHe is and always has been full of himself. He is obese you know. 400 lbs and counting of soft white flesh that never sees the light of day vis a vis any exercise.This mound of fat is challenging the authority of the individual state governors. He is making a massive fool of himself more than is his usual wont. The more he doubles down the more the clown is front and center.His hissy fit tantrum because they have no respect for him at all is fun to watch. He gets furiouser and furiouser and they get calmer and cooler and quieter. The contrast is exceptionally entertaining. Edge of the seat entertaining. He is out of shape mentally and physically and is taking on all the non-republican governors who are far smarter than he is. Of course the republican governors dare not cross him...well you do have The OHIO governor who is one smart cookie and has been doing the right thing for his state since early on despite the white house entertainer. So yes there are exceptions but in the main the republican governors are ter... less
Americans have no substantive viable RIGHTS. NONE. Now the Constitution guarantees certain things but with one swell of a foop the white house entertainer has seen to it that... moreAmericans have no substantive viable RIGHTS. NONE. Now the Constitution guarantees certain things but with one swell of a foop the white house entertainer has seen to it that will never happen. He is all right and determines what is and is not to be. He is the executer of all things. The decider of all things. The power of all things. The determiner of all things. He decides determines that whatever he says goes. No argument. He started out a spoiled brat and has become a behemoth gargantuan of needy seedy demands. Pathetic in his grotesque orange way he is a laughingstock that kills us literally and figuratively. His base will never abandon him no matter how many human beings his incompetence and vile venal impotence destroy. He are them and they are him. United forever together. How sweet.He has tried and failed to exterminate the AHCA because he detests all things BARACK OBAMA. He'd rather see people die than get the health care they need. He is that small and cruel and jealous and superficial. His supp... less
They read into what I ask what they expect or want to see and then reply according to this misinterpretation.They don't comprehend the point. So they reply to what they thought the... moreThey read into what I ask what they expect or want to see and then reply according to this misinterpretation.They don't comprehend the point. So they reply to what they thought they read which never makes any sense to me for obvious reasons. An albatross of great weight. But now I finally figgered it out. Now I gotta simply figger out what to do about it?
Would he take out a contract on all of them and have his crooked contacts take them all out? He would not tolerate it for one minit. He believes he has ABSOLUTE power to do/undo al... moreWould he take out a contract on all of them and have his crooked contacts take them all out? He would not tolerate it for one minit. He believes he has ABSOLUTE power to do/undo all.If you were the he in question how would you get rid of dozens and dozens and dozens of what you thought were larded judges who ALL turned out to be your enemies?
The dumbbell y'all hired to lead y'all. Did you ven think to ask where he wuz gonna lead you? You don't even care do you? You will follow him anywhere including to he** because wit... moreThe dumbbell y'all hired to lead y'all. Did you ven think to ask where he wuz gonna lead you? You don't even care do you? You will follow him anywhere including to he** because wither he goest thou goest. Good luck y'all.