"You can do it. I believe in you. I have faith in you.""You will never amount to anything. You are lazy shiftless worthless."Which line most reflects you and how you relate to others?
Sequentially in order of thinking itHateStupidityGreedHateStupidityGreedWhat else could it possibly be asks me?ARROGANCEWe know everything there is to know and what we think is alw... moreSequentially in order of thinking itHateStupidityGreedHateStupidityGreedWhat else could it possibly be asks me?ARROGANCEWe know everything there is to know and what we think is always right and what others think who disagree are always wrong.Nothing so arrogant as the arrogance of self-delusion self-importance.ArroganceArroganceArroganceWill do us in.
I automatically shift to that which gets me through tough times.When I was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer I shifted to STOIC and stayed there through the chemo the radiation the hai... moreI automatically shift to that which gets me through tough times.When I was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer I shifted to STOIC and stayed there through the chemo the radiation the hair loss for over six months. Never changed gears. Not once. Always saw success at the end of the journey and never once felt sorry for myself.I am in STOIC gear now as well. I switched several days ago to save my life. Actually I cannot control it. My body does the "thinking" for me and I expect it's rather like bears who hibernate. They don't CHOOSE it. It chooses them.Are you a STOIC too? How goes it with you? less