Now that the slow dull-witted HOAX TELLS YOU IT'S BAD do you believe him? Or is he lying now but was telling the truth before? Personally I don't give a rat's a** what you believe.... moreNow that the slow dull-witted HOAX TELLS YOU IT'S BAD do you believe him? Or is he lying now but was telling the truth before? Personally I don't give a rat's a** what you believe. No skin off my nose. But it's weirdly and queerly peculiarly fascinating how Y'ALL only hear your massa's voice and nothing else can penetrate the brick wall y'all live inside. Your funeral. Different strokes. May you all survive in spite of yourselves. And may YOU NOT CAUSE others to die because you are remaining willfully ignorant and stupid dumb but you probably will. Good luck with that too. Y'all are gonna all the good you can buy or steal. less
MOVE 1From Highland Park, Michigan to Los Angeles, California. NO VERNOR'S GINGERALE till many decades later!MOVE 2From Los Angeles to Boston. ZERO MEXICAN RESTAURANTS OR MEX... moreMOVE 1From Highland Park, Michigan to Los Angeles, California. NO VERNOR'S GINGERALE till many decades later!MOVE 2From Los Angeles to Boston. ZERO MEXICAN RESTAURANTS OR MEXICAN FOODS IN THE MARKETS. ZERO!When we moved back to L.A. from Boston 5 years later every day for lunch I ate a bean/cheese burrito. No joke. No kidding. I expect by now there are lots of Mexican restaurants and foods in Boston but in 1965? Nope.Also couldn't find BEST FOODS MAYO until I discovered it was called HELLMAN'S on the east coast. Why I do not know.So what similar experiences have you had? less
Per the HOAX and his constant political attacks on Democrats INSISTING COVID 19 WAS A HOAX we didn't do much at all for TWO MONTHS. Now we are FINALLY doing things to mitigate. The... morePer the HOAX and his constant political attacks on Democrats INSISTING COVID 19 WAS A HOAX we didn't do much at all for TWO MONTHS. Now we are FINALLY doing things to mitigate. The time for containment passed because the HOAX was still attacking insulting ridiculing when HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN PRESIDENTING and acting and taking everything very seriously. Too soon old too late schmart.How much will the very slow to respond mitigating measures affect the number of infected people yet to be tested? We have no idea but those in the know are bracing for hospitals to be OVERWHELMED and they already know there are not enough respirators or hospital beds or protective clothing for the first responders to handle the TSUNAMI ahead. Thanks to the bullheaded ignoramus and his slow response to a crisis. less
Will he stay alive. Will he thrive? Or will he take nosedive like the stock market and go down down down down down down down....? Inquiring minds wanna know these things.
Awesome Tucker Carlson said HOAX officials were "trivializing what is clearly a very serious problem".Awesomer sean of hannity said "it is fear mongering by the deep state"Ya gotch... moreAwesome Tucker Carlson said HOAX officials were "trivializing what is clearly a very serious problem".Awesomer sean of hannity said "it is fear mongering by the deep state"Ya gotchure Devin Nunes telling folks to go out to bars and restaurants.Ya gotchure lindsay graham self-isolatingWhat's the base gonna do...go with who...which doodoohead do the adoring worshippers believe? The Carlson or the Hannity?Do they turn on the HOAX who is now singing a VERY DIFFERENT TUNE? Or do they turn with him? What are they gonna do? Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh.WHAT'S THE STOCK MARKET GONNA DO TODAY? less
HOAX is shaken to his very core. He is basing his re-election on the economy and bragged priorly about how high the DJI was. Now there is no bragging. Will it go down down down dow... moreHOAX is shaken to his very core. He is basing his re-election on the economy and bragged priorly about how high the DJI was. Now there is no bragging. Will it go down down down down down or will this be a "happytalk" rise? Your guess is as good as mine.
No matter how HOAX tries to package himself or is packaged by others (yesterday he SEEMED to be more serious than his usual crappy self) he is the still same egotistical selfish se... moreNo matter how HOAX tries to package himself or is packaged by others (yesterday he SEEMED to be more serious than his usual crappy self) he is the still same egotistical selfish self-centered SOB. Isn't he?