They have zero experience or memory of what occurred before they were born. OBVIOUSLY! Do they look at him as a knight in shining armor who will save them? From what? Exactly what ... moreThey have zero experience or memory of what occurred before they were born. OBVIOUSLY! Do they look at him as a knight in shining armor who will save them? From what? Exactly what in their young lives have they experienced from which they need to be saved? It is very confusing. You'd think being young they'd support Mayor Pete but no they don't. Puzzling.
They barely talked about dumb don or what is going on in the world. They were once again too busy attacking one another. We know doing the same thing expecting a different result i... moreThey barely talked about dumb don or what is going on in the world. They were once again too busy attacking one another. We know doing the same thing expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.I gather they all think they are really intelligent knowledgeable homo saps or they would not think they can handle a job as big as the presidency.If they can't handle a simple debate what makes you think any of them can handle the crises facing a president?Are you all insane addlepated delusional?
This is more about trying to figger out to whom Bernie appeals.Bernie was described as leading a PROLETARIAN REVOLUTION. I Googled it and this is what that is all about according t... moreThis is more about trying to figger out to whom Bernie appeals.Bernie was described as leading a PROLETARIAN REVOLUTION. I Googled it and this is what that is all about according to Google"A proletarian revolution is a social revolution in which the working class wants to overthrow the bourgeosie. They are generally advocated by socialists, communists and most anarchists."I had to look up "bourgeosie".A member of the middle classA person whose political economic and social opinions are believed to be determined mainly by concern for property values and conventional respectability. Dominated or characterized by materialistic pursuits.So Bernie appeals to those who want to overthrow the monied class and the powerful. Storm the Bastille! Let them eat cake. The peasants want to dethrone the patricians. Wild and crazy guy?Didn't Castro do the same thing for the same reason? Isn't that the same ALLEGED GOAL of all revolutionaires? What makes Bernie different from them? The dumb don peeps want nothing to change. The Be... less
The current dumb don gubment is intended to FORCE things on the people they do not want while WITHHOLDING from the people what they need and want. Now of course the dumb don adorin... moreThe current dumb don gubment is intended to FORCE things on the people they do not want while WITHHOLDING from the people what they need and want. Now of course the dumb don adoring worshippers would disagree with that entirely. You see dumb don meets all their needs and wants and well screw to he** everyone else. They do not count.There it is. You asked for it you got it. There will always be victims of "friendly fire". Of course in this case the firing squad isn't friendly it is cruel and evil and deadly dastardly demonic. Oh well. Ya can' win 'em all. No one promised you a rose garden. Etcetera etcetera etcetera and so forth. less
Is it stupid dumb that determines extinction? Rigidity and inadaptability? if not what does? What is the "buy by" date after which the product homo sap is spoiled rancid dangerous to health?
Of course CONSENSUAL sexual depravity/perversion is no one's business but those engaged in it.Whatever gets them off turns them on that doesn't kill or permanently maim them is coo... moreOf course CONSENSUAL sexual depravity/perversion is no one's business but those engaged in it.Whatever gets them off turns them on that doesn't kill or permanently maim them is cool. No one cares. Move on. Nothing to see here. FAKE NEWS.
We are allegedly the only CIVILIZED country without a health plan to protect its citizens.We are small of mind small of creativity and small of the will to admit we are inadequate.... moreWe are allegedly the only CIVILIZED country without a health plan to protect its citizens.We are small of mind small of creativity and small of the will to admit we are inadequate.The AHCA was better than what we had before.The dumb of don would be thrilled if he could murder it erase it annihilate it. Due to his JEALOUSY of Obama.We flail around thissing and thatting getting nothing done. So why not just admit we are not up to it intellectually and beg the mercy of the other countries to let us take what they have and implement it as our own? less
Hereto fore before he was kinda quiet kinda silent cuz he's fighting cancer. But now? You know what I think?I think dumb don made a deal with rushbaught. Quid pro quo don'tcha know... moreHereto fore before he was kinda quiet kinda silent cuz he's fighting cancer. But now? You know what I think?I think dumb don made a deal with rushbaught. Quid pro quo don'tcha know? The dumb of don would award rushbaugh with the medal in return for which rushbaugh would talk up conspiracy theory 24/7 any whichway he could. So far so good. Remember dumb don takes credit for the book The Art of the Deal.
The stock market plunged two days in a row and he is TERRIFIED it will continue to plunge due to the Coronavirus fears. His only schitck is a "good" economy and who knows how much ... moreThe stock market plunged two days in a row and he is TERRIFIED it will continue to plunge due to the Coronavirus fears. His only schitck is a "good" economy and who knows how much the economy will TANK before the virus runs its course? He is taking it personally and I bet he thinks it's a plot conspiracy of all his enemies to overthrow him. Watch him point fingers. I think he already has. Keep stomping big boy. Keep stomping all 400 lbs of you so you can end up just like Rumpelstiltskin did who stomped his way into oblivion never to be seen or heard from again! :) less